Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

a a Wednesday Morning, March 3, 1937. BLUEFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH, Bluefield, W. Va. PAGE FIVE 52. RAMBLIN REDS 43 D'ANTONI LEADS CONCORD ATTACK Mountain Lion Captain Closes Home Career As Concord Athlete In Blaze Of Glory; LeNoir Team Fails To Click concord's basketball season is success.

When the Mountain Lions pinned back the ears of the Ramblin' Reds of Bluefield college last night at Athens, to the sad tune of 52-43, it gave Coach Woody Woodell's fine team a clean sweep game series with the Blueflelders, This 1937 hardwood campaign has been noteworthy one--for Concord--if for no other reason than It marked first Concord triumph over Bluefield college in basketball in three. years. If ever a basketball player put on a one-man show, Captain Lewis D'Antoni of Concord did that last night. The little Italian-American boy, one of the finest athletes who ever wore the Concord spangles, or those of any other college, for that matter, personally conducted his teammates to victory. Dan shoved the bloated calfskin through che nets for twenty-tour points.

Seventeen of these were registered during the first half, serving to stake the Mountain Lions to an advantage which gave them the ball game. Dan' Rings Bell Nine Times The black-haired Concord captain fired the leather through the irons nine times from the playing space. He added six more points via the charity route. When Dan was not racking up points himself, his dazzling tipor work was paving the way for other teammates to cash in the tallies. The boy looked like a million bucks.

But on the other hand, Bluefield college has a far better ball team than one would think from looking at it last night. Or from looking at them in either of their Concord contests this year, fact. Coach LeNoir's brilliant team moved onto Athens last nignt record of thirteen wins in fifteen starts to close their season. One of those two defeats had come at the hands of the Mountain Lions, The A Mountain Lions, of course, were favored to win. But Bluefielders had hopes.

They fruitless. Bluefield was outclassed last night. They were far below form. Mullie's boys this season have played their worst against Concord. Fitting Close Most any team would be outclassed in this sort of a league with a guy like D'Antoni going as D'Antoni was going against the Bluefielders.

But it was a fitting close to D'Antoni's home career in a Mountain Lion uniform. When he was taken from the game, to make way for a substitute in the final minutes, the thunderous roar of acclaim which split the rafters of Concord gymnasium has never before been equaled in Concord sport history. D'Antoni began his career at Mullens high school, under Woody Woodell. He finished it at Concord under Woody. It's dollar dimes that Woody has never known prouder moment in his life than that one lest night when D'Antoni walked in the bench, pulled on his sweat jersey and sat down, with the hundreds of Concord followers hysterically shouting their appreciation of one of the finest athletes ever produced in either of the Virginias.

Lions Jump Ahead Concord ahead on the first play of the game and held the whiphand throughout the stormy encounter. After the first few minutes of play, the nearest the Ramblin' Reds came to overhauling the Mountain Lions was when they pulled within six points of the Athenians. ansto with but five minutes of play remaining. But four hurried Lion counters sent the Concordians to the front again, by comfortable margin and definitely settling the issue. Home Team Steps Fast play Conoord of the scored game on when the the opening Lions worked the ball through from center with Shura tossing in a pretty basket, overhead, from the side.

D'Antoni came back with long bucket before Sheffield tallied while covering for Bluefield. Dan then stretched it to 10-2 when he bagged a pair of fielders and added pair of free tosses. Shura and Douthat swapped long bell ringers the Bluefielders broke through with Screwby Crews taking a pass from Douthat loose under the bucket for prety twin counter. Screwby soon after tossed in a one pointer and the teams swapped baskets with Shura ing a long one-handed shot and French shooting the ball in like a rifle to Douthat breaking under the iron. Stephon fired in a long basket from a side angle near mid court to bring the Ramblin' Reds up to 11-14, but Concord moved away when D'Antoni and McComas chalked up six points for the home team for a 20-11 lead.

Bowers pumped in a free toss before Bluefield scored on one of the prettiest down floor advances of the game, Sheffield to French to Woolwine, breaking in fast. But the D'Antoni guy broke loose for two field baskets, one a long one-handed shot and the other covering his own fling. Before the half ended favoring Concord 27-15, Roney points and D'Antoni chalked up charity and Sheffield rang the bell on a fling from corner angle. Bluefield Starts Offense Bluefield opened the second halt with Stephon hammering in a twopoint haymaker while covering, but McComas got, away loose to go under the hoop and bag a crip shot. French and Roney then swapped doubledeckers before D'Antoni very prettily feinted through defense under the hoop to cage another basket.

The two teams then moved along on about even terms until past halfway of the second half, when the Bluefielders started to pull up a bit. The Ramblin' Reds advanced to within six points of the enemy, chiefly through the splendid work ROSEMONT SHOULD BE NOSEMONT BROOM! ROSEMONT of Rosemont that the camera which photo finish decision. Here looks $100,000 added Santa Anita Handicap which this picture was taken falls sizable sum of $9.80. Seabiscuit paid Broom returned $5.80 for every $2 VETS VS. ROOKIES FEATURE TRAINING Recruits Making Strong Bids Against Battling Veterans; News And Gossip From Training Camps In Dixie New York, March 2.

(AP)-Having scrambled upstairs into the major league camps, some of this year's prize rookies find the Lou Gehrigs, Hank Greenbergs, and Pepper Martins standing securely on the top landing, Take the case of Detroit's Rudy York. waukse He played first base for Millast year, batted .334, scored 119 runs, and whacked out 207 hits, including 37 homers, 21 triples, and 25 doubles. what does he get? More than likely he'll get a three-base kick in the pants from Mr. Greenberg, who wants first base for himself. however, can take con- solation the woes of Babe Dahlgren Lomb New York Yankees.

When Gehrig and the Umpire state building chance collapse, first Dahlgren get a base. Fortunately, Dahlgren is one of our more accomplished bench-sitters. He sat on the Boston Red Sox bench waiting for Jimmie Foxx to collapse, and just when "double-x" wavered a little, the Babe was sold to the Yanks. Chet Laabs, another great prospect from Milwaukee, also nas a happy prospect in Detroit. He batted .323 for the last year.

Now all he has to do is bench Gerald Walker Pete Fox Leon Goslin, or Al Simmons do Frank Croucher, up from Beaumont, can also win a place in the Tigers' infield if he beats out Charley Gehringer at second place, Two young hopefuls have the task of replacing their managers. Steve Mesner, who hit .344 for Los Angeles, has his eye on the White Sox hot corner, where Manager Jimmy Dykes holds forth. Young Bobby Doerr, prize youngster from the San Diego club, wants to play second base for the Red Sox. So does Manager Joe Cronin. Jeff Heath, hard-hitting Cleveland rookie from Zanesville, also has a knotty little problem to solve.

He batted .387 last year, and if he can replace Earl Averill Bruce Campbell Roy Weatherly (.355) or Julius Solters (.291) he'll be okay. Things are not quite so tough in the National league, which incidentally, seems to have lost out this year in the race for the best rookies. Earle Browne, first baseman from Minneapolis who hit .328 last year, runs into another iron man in Pittsburgh's Gus Suhr, who has played 784 consecutive games and looks as if he'll go on forever. HEMSLEY IS HOLDOUT St. Louis, March 2.

(AP)-William O. DeWitt, business manager of the St. Louis Browns, said tonight Rollie Hemsley, veteran catcher, had returned his contract for the second time. "Hemsley stood pat on his demand for $2,500 more than he received year and we are standing pat also," said DeWitt. FANS GET INTO CLEAR St.

Petersburg, March 2. (AP) Spectators moved their automobiles out of range today when the ambitious Bees suddenly switched from ball tossing to batting practice. Lopez, varsity catcher, hit Danny McFayden's first pitch out of the park. DANNING COMES IN Havanna, March 2. (AP)-Harry Danning, second string catcher the New York Giants, signed his 1937 contract today Roy Spencer, third-string receiver, arrived in camp.

Manager Bill Terry participated in his first workout, three-hour drill. TRAVIS SIGNS Orlando, March 2 (AP)Cecil Travis, rangy infielder, signed his contract today and immediately won an assignment 1937 shortstop. He was an in-andout player last season. "There will be no more said Manager Bucky Harris. HOAG TURNS UP St.

Petersburg, March 2 (AP) -Myril Hoag, Yankee outfielder who was injured last July, turned up in the New York training camp today for his first workout since he was hurt. He said he "felt great." New Orleans, March 2. (AP) -Pitcher Willis Hudlin, a holdout SHUTE LINES UP IDEAL GOLF TEAM. West Virginian Picks Ralph Guldahl As Outstanding Golfer For Coming Season And Also Praises Sam Snead By PAUL MICKELSON Miami, March 2. (AP) --Denny Shute.

king of golf pros, whirled the cystal ball between rounds today andwhat he saw was this championship picture for 1937. National open champion-Ralph Guldahl, the St. Louis Norwegian who has found par easier than automobile selling. National amateur tle Frankic Strafaci, Brooklyn champion boy with a big wallop. British open champion that noted hog caller from Connecticut.

Gene Sarazen. Ryder cup matches -victory the United States for the first time on English soil with a team composed of John Tony Manero, Henry Picard, Revolta, Horton Smith, Paul Runyan, Shute, Gudahl and three other par shakers. Professional champion tossing aside all blushes, Shute picks Mrs. Shute's favorite boy, Denny. "That looks like a pretty sound picture to Shute said.

"And I'll tell you why. Take Guldahl. He's been a Ane player for years but he's a great one now improvements because in he his made short amazing. From tee to cup, no man in the world has a better game than Guldahl. And he's got the strong heart and steel nerves it takes to ride through an open.

Oakland Hills, scene of the next open Detroit, looks like a happy hunting ground for him "I like young Strafact in the amateur because he is one of the few amateurs I know of who has a five game around the green He's improving very fast, too. Of course he's a little small but so is Paul Runyan, the little poison of the pros. "Sarazen's a hot bet in every show he gets in. He gets very hot in Scotland and knows every blade of grass at Old Carnoustie. He's deadly serious this year.

My tip is to look out for him. "We got beat in the Ryder cup matches four years ago by one putt -one that I missed on the last hole. We'll win this time. Our pros are playing far better than four years ago and I don't see how we can miss. Under the new set-up, I think both the national open and P.

G. A. champions of 1936 and '37 will be automatically eligible for the American team." "So you think you'll repeat in the P. G. Shute was asked.

"Yes, I will. Because they shoved the date 1937 championship from November to May, I'll only have the six months. That makes me sore and all the more eager to get a longer hold in the Shute always has done well In the P. G. was finalist in 1931, finalist in '32 and victory in '36.

The best young pros coming up in Shute's estimation are Sam Snead of White Sulphur Springs, W. and Jimmy DeMaret of Houston, Tevas. "Both are cinches to make good," commented the pro king. "Snead not only hits a ball almost as far as Jimmy Thomson but straighter. He has a great control of his shots with his prize club, a mashie niblick that never seems to miss.

He's got the heart, too. He showed me that in the recent Oakland when he needed two pars to win and came up with two remarkable putts for birdies Denny WAS to pick 'team to play a long par five hole, let Thomson hit the tee and brassie shots, Runyan the niblick and Horton Smith the putts, BOWLING Twerps The A. 2 E. out P. of 3 last defeated in the City league match.

Taylor Johnston was high man with 523 pins. Claude Chambers was runner up with 522 pins. The Dubs and the Nationals bowl 8 City match on he Tavern alleys tonight. A.E.P, Co. 1st 2nd 3rd TtI.

Neal 138 172 131 464 Calloway 154 129 145 428 Goodpasture a 167 169 167 503 Chambers 180 :04 138 522 Belcher 134 172 166 492 Peek 141 174 179 491 Trent 161 184 115 520 Wyrlek 179 156 144 479 Totals ..........1294 1360 1248 3902 Twerps 1st 2nd 3rd Tti. Douthat 126 160 135 421 Evana 152 182 160 494 Looney 123 161 153 439 Dunn 166 134 1.0 490 Johnston 203 161 130 523 Wills 137 171 161 489 Allison 125 125 125 375 Morrisette 125 125 184 434 Totals ..........1119 1219 1267. 3665 Men students at Richmond (Va.) college, listing the chief attributes they would seek in the woman they marry, placed loyalty Arst. Beauty ranked a poor third. 90 MEMO PROGE RYE WHISKEY STRAIGHT Increase Old in Year ONE PINT YEAR OLD 1 n.

01. CODE coot A fine rye which RED ROCK bas earned a place in state STRAIGHT delicious mixed RYE or straight and oh se A Value! M.S. Walker, Inc. BOSTON, MASS Down Sports Trail Into THE PRESS BOX A with Stubby Currence CECTIONAL basketball tournaments are scheduled this week. Of interest locally, are the Athens and laeger meets.

Princeton, of course, enters the Athens games as top favorites. Even more so now that Pickles Beatty is on the injured list and may not be in the lineup of the Beavers at On the other hand, the scrap for McDowell honors looks like a young revolution. Three teams are tops Jaeger, Welch and Gary. The three stack up as more serious threats either Northfork, Elkhorn or Big Creek. Of the three front runners, laeger has the advantage of playing on their home court.

They have a boy named Pendleton playing guard who is just about as good as any ball handlers and floor generals developed in that county in several years. On the oher hand, Welch, too, has all experienced five led by Cline Gilley, lanky youngster who can really rocket the leather through the iron. The Maroon Wave is plenty good enough to win the county title. It will be a battle royal down there, with either one of the three teams having an "on" night romping through to an easy victory, if they catch their opponents a bit off form. SUNSET Talk NEWS By Stubby HEADLINES: Currence "Fish Mars Fry Program." For Graham When I walked into the office yesterday evening, that headline was pasted onto a piece of paper and placed in my typewriter.

They wanted to be certain I would see it. Along with it was a note from the "Copy Chief" of the afternoon breeze. It read: "My dear Stubby: "I'm overcome by deep remorse over this grievous typographical mistake, and it Is typographical. I wrote it MARKS but imagine my chagrin when it came out MARS, but you know how those dumb printers are. You know I would never treat you that way on purpose.

It's a dastardly mistake and I hope you'll give me a chance to make amends. "Your friend. I hope, "EDDIE STEELE, "Chief of Sunset Copy Desk." Okay, pal. Skip it. I thought very little about it, at all.

Never have I doubted your sincere and warm friendship for myself. My only thought was that it was not a tyopgraphical error--simply that it was as close as you could come to spelling the This opinion, of course, was the result of my having read your paper, occasionally, over a period dating back for about ten years. A FTER winning some money of the town boys decided for his wife. He bought a and then joined his friends As he sat down with his his pocket. "Like the smell of this?" "It's 'Christmas Night'.

I'm His friends eyes popped. "Christmas Night?" he given it to her?" on the Louis-Pastor fight. one to bring home a little present bottle of perfume at a drug store at a restaurant. pals, he took the bottle from he said to the chap beside him. bringing it home to the missus." cried.

"And you still haven't DIP. YOU basketball KNOW tournament THAT: at They Beckley, are having starting an on March independent 11 and running through March 13... any team in southern West: Virginia is eligible Robert M. Quesenberry is director of the meet. Joe Louis and his bride are reported on the verge of an "explosion," which is why, his friends are now saying, Joe made such a sad showing against Bob Pastor.

It's hard to believe that baby would want to ditch such a good meal ticket as Joe. "Experts" on the "inside" say that Bob Feller, the young Cleveland baseball pitcher, is really getting $24,000 per year and not only ten ag announced, to keep the team mates from After his match with Middaugh, the Belgin, here Monday night, Dick Powell went back to bed and is engaged in a tough battle with Old Man Powell had previously cancelled all bookings up to Thursday, but yesterday wired his agent to cancel all of his dates this week. BILL ALEXANDER DEFENDS COLLEGE SPORTS SYSTEM Atlanta, March 2 W. A. Alexander of Georgia Tech, dean of Southeastern conference football mentors, defended the dollar mark in intercollegiate gridiron relations today.

He was discussing John Hopkins university's announcement that it is abolishing all paid admissions and doing away with visiting team guarantees as a move to spread the benefit of athletic activity to all students. "I don't see how they figure this is going to spread the athletic benefit to more students," said the rigged, gray-haired Alexander. "Whether the school pays for its rolonial THE SHOWPLACE OF BLUE FIELD VA. Positively Last Times Today 00000000 JOAN SWILLIAM POWELL: Robt. MONTGOMERY IN THE NEW STAR.

SPANGLED LAUGH HIT THE Cast or) Mrs. Cheyney with FRANK MORGAN JESSIE RALPH NIGEL BRUCE Directed by Richard Boleslewski Produced by Lawrence Weingarten -000000000 Short Subjects Our Gang Comedy and News STEELE REGISTERS K. O. OVER PIRRONE Middleweight Champion Racks Up Technical Decision In First Round Of Scheduled Ten -Title Rounder SPECIALI AGENT INDIAN It's a good thing for the backers one the judges used in their behind Seabiscuit, in the ing tinish and the angle from nose. The winner paid the dian of Captain Sheffield and Frank Stephon.

It was here that Skeeter Douthat was chased via the foul route and that seemed to end all hope for the Bluefielders. Massey, who replaced Shura, on fouls, racked up a foul point and Bowers sank a long shot for a 47-38 lead, with little more than three minutes to go. That clinched it. In between D'Antoni's three foul shots and one similar, counter by Grose, Sheffield the leather for two Bluefield points to make it 41-49, but cause was hopeless. As the game neared its end, McComas shot goal for Concord and Perault scored a fielder for the losers.

Concord (52) FG ET TP D'Antoni, 9 6-10 21 Roney, 2-3 Bowers, 1-2 9 H. Shura, A. McComas, 3 0-0 2-2 Massey, 0 1-1 H. 0. McComas, ()-0 Totals ...30 12-18 TP 52 Bluefield (43) PT Douthat, 3 1-5 cruise, 1-2 Sheffield, 4-7 16 French, 0-0 Stephon, 0-2 6 2 Woolwine, 0-4) Gross, 1 1-1 P'errault, 0-0 Totals .......18 7-11 13 Referee--John Gott.

GARDEN FILES SUITS AGAINST MAX, MANAGER New York, March 2. (AP)-Madison Square Garden's threatened legal reprisal as the result of the collapse of plans to pit Max Baer against Bob Pastor in a ten-round bout on March 19 became a reality tonight. Suits were instituted against Baer and his manager, Ancil Hoffman, and British promoters. John Reed Kilpatrick, president of the garden, announced the Eighth Avenue corporation's legal representatives had instituted suit for $50,000 against Baer and Hoffman charging violation of 8 contract with the garden. A suit for a like amount has been brought against Alfred C.

Critchley, British promoter, and his matchmaker, Syd Hulls, charging them with interfering with the garden's "contractual rights" in signing Baer for two fights in London, the first scheduled for April 15. Representatives of the law firm have been unable to locate Hoffman but papers were served tonight on Hulls, Kilpatrick said. The summons is returnable the state supreme court in 20 days. Kilpatrick said the garden would not attempt to interfere with the plans of Hoffman and Baer to saii tomorrow afternoon for England. PATTY BERG PACING FLORIDA GOLF FIELD St.

Augustine, March 2 (AP) -Par yielded four strokes today to the sizzling game of Patty Berg and the Minneapolis red head paced qualifiers in the annual Florida East Coast Women's Golf tournament. Ousted in the second round of the south Atlantic event at Ormond Beach last week, Patty came back with magic touch on her putter to post a 76. Her incoming 34 was one of best exhibitions seen on the difflof the last nine she had birdies, cult St. Augustine links. On four topped with an eagle two on number 13.

Second place went to Dorothy Traung of San Francisco, Patty's conqueror at Ormond Beach, who clipped two strokes from par with a fine 78. Kathryn Hemphill of Columbia, S. the Ormond Beach winner, fired a 79 for show honors. The red head starts match play tomorrow in an encounter with Mrs. R.

H. Trilck of Birmingham, who posted a 92. 'Other first round pairings, with qualifying score for each player, included: Branley, Jacksonville, 83, and Helen Dettweiler, Washington, 84. Jane Cothran, Greenville, 8. and Betty Botterill, Salt Lake City, 89.

Freida Nolan, Castle, 88, and Bauer, Providence, 1. BASKETBALL RESULTS COLLEGE BASKETBALL Davis- Elking 56, Fairmont State 38. Pitt 39. Georgetown 22. Marshall 57, W.

Virginia Wesleyan 12. St. John's 28, Washington 21. Johns Hopkins 260, Loyola 41. Denver U.

52, Colorado LT. 30. Rice 35, Southern Methodist 32. Oklahoma A. and M.

33. Tulsa U. 30, Carnegle Tech 36, Westminster 25. Long Island 64. Catholle 1.

37. Akron 37. Baldwin- 33. Mount Union 38, Findlay 29. Philadelphia, March, 2 -Freddie Steele.

of Tacoma, middle- boxing champion, scored a technical knockout. over Paul Pirrone of Cleveland after one minute and 57 seconds of the first round in their scheduled ten round non-title bout tonight. Steele weighcd 152 and Pirrone 162. Steele floored Pirrone five times and had the Cleveland fighter stagaround the ring in a daze before referee Supd Murphy stopped the slaughter. A crowd of 8,000 was amazed at the quick ending.

Referee Murphy stepped in and put, his armamaround ethe dazed Pirrone, of the fight after one minute. 57 seconds. It was Steele's first appearance in a Philadelphia ring and his first fight sinces uccessfully defending middleweight crown against Eddie Babe Risko. of Syracuse, in New York recently. SCHMELING CERTAIN HE IS GOING TO GET 'SHOT' SEABISCUIT snapped this picture wasn't the like Rosemont had finished second, Feb.

27. But it was a close, drivto show that Rosemont won by $6.80 for second place and wager. his record of only one 1936 victory, entered the Cleveland Indians' 1937 fold today after a conference with Manager Steve O'Neill. Hudlin did not disclose the terms 1 under which he signed. DODGERS SIGN HURLER Clearwater, March 2.

(AP)The Dodgers marked one name off their holdout list today when Fred Frankhouse signed before the secpractice session. Van Mungo moundsman. only Gordon other unsigned (Blimp) Phelps, down to 216 pounds, whacked a ball over the left field fence. ANOTHER UPSET MARKS MEN'S TENNIS TOURNEY New York, March 2. (AP)-A third upset was added to the growing list of surprises in the national men's indoor tennis championships and Frankie Parker, America's No.

2 player, barely escaped joining the victims as the men's and women's singles tournaments both reached quarter-final round at the seventh regiment armory. J. Gilbert Hall, veteran Orange, N. player who was seeded sixth, followed four-times Champion Gregory Mangin and third-seeded Art Hendrix into defeat. Hall went down before George Seewagen of Jackson Heights, L.

an unranked player, 6-2, 2-6, 10-8. Parker, the Spring Lake, N. youngster who is aspiring for place on the Davis cup team, had his hands full with Gilbert H. Hunt of Washington, D. C.

After a 20-game first set, Parker won out 11-9, 6-4. ROMAN SOLDIER LAME AFTER TRAINING RUN New York, March 2 (P)-The $50,000 Widener challenge cup, to be run at Hialeah Saturday, lost another leading candidate today when Elwood Sachsenmaier's Roman Soldier pulled up lame after a workout. A mile prep race in which the big black five-year old son of Cohort had been scheduled to meet two rivals today was declared off. Roman Soldier had not faced the barrier since Nov. 28 at Bowle when he closed a successful fall campaign, but had been turning in fine workouts.

Brevity and Snark previously had been declared out of the Widener because of recurrences of old leg allment. The withdrawal left Mrs. Emil Denmark's Finance as the outstanding choice. Columbiana gained some support when he worked the Widener distance of one and quarter miles in 2:02. The Sanford purse for three- year olds topped Hialeah park's card.

The six and half-furlong race was, run in Thought two divisions with first section Golden and Par the secondhe Golden Thought, an outsider paying $17.20, survived a photo finish to beat Daytonian. Debate was two lengths back. Par finished six lengths in front of Mary Elise with third going to Proph, the favorite. Miss Lizzie beat seven other $2,000 plater in the six-furlong feature at the fairgrounds. She finished in front of Funderburg to pay $11.40.

Kabo was third. MARSHALL COLLEGE CAGE TEAM TRIMS WESLEYAN Huntington, W. March 2. -Marshall's championship Buckeye conference basketball team rolled over West Virginia Wesleyan tonight, 57 to 42, to close out a brilliant season. The triumph gave the Big Green a record of 21 victories in 24 games of the regular season and evened matters with the who upat Buckhannon last to 47.

set them in a overtime game After leading to 22 half, attack the in Herd the unloosed a half powerful with ease. Watson Wilcox and Vest hit the net consistently to score 18, 16 and 13 points, respectively, for the winners. Elcher and Barnum each tallied 12 points for the Bobcats. It was the last collegiate game for Vest and Wilcox. In a boxing match preceding the cage game, Marshall and the University of Toledo squads battled to their second draw of the season, each winning three bouts.

CELTICS WIN Falrmont, W. March 2. (APi -The New York Celtics with Bob McDermott and Davey Banks leading the attack, defeated the Fairmont Business college cagers, 54 to 38, here tonight. The professionals pulled away in the final period after the stenogs had given them I a close fight for three periods. New York, March 2 (AP) -Max Schmeling, heavyweight title challenger and former champion, arrived from Germany today full of confidence that Jimmy Braddock will bring his crown into the ring for their scheduled fight at Madison Square Garden bowl June 3.

After conferring with John Reed Kilpatrick, garden president, Schmeling scouted all suggestions that Braddock intended to give him the "run around." don't think so," he said in reply to a question whether he believed the champion would fail to appear. "Braddock will fight me, I'll bet, on June 3. We have a contract and its legal." In event Braddock fails to appear, however, the German said he would not claim the title as they be won and lost only in the ring." Joe Jacobs, Schmeling's American manager, said the fighter, his trainer, and their legal advisers, would confer at the garden tomorrow. Kilpatrick said there was no special significance in this move but. that "it's only the logical thing." As far as Schmeling's attitude is concerned, he apparently is totally oblivious of the fact Braddock has signed to meet Joe Louis in Chicago on June 22 and that the champion seemingly has no intention of meeting Max.

Schmeling appeared neither interested nor concerned about reports of a boycott launched against him by the non-sectarian AntiNazi league. "That makes me laugh," said Max and he really roared. "You know, they do me an honor, in fact compliment me. they thought Braddock could beat in two or three rounds there wouldn't be a boycott movement. "And, why is Braddock SO concerned about the boycott? I'll tell you.

It's money, money. He hasn't made any money since: he won the title. What about Max Baer had to fight Braddock for the title--there wasn't much money in but he went through with it. "It's just too bad for Jimmy he's got 1 to fight me. When he fought Baer two years ago, he was the best man, Now, I am the best man and he must fight me." -f'e HEARING ON MITT ROW -STATE POSTPONED athletic plant and program out of its regular budget or from gate receipts, it will make no difference that I can see in the number of men on its teams.

Johns Hopkins, I'm won't carry more men on its footballe squad next year." schools." he continued "have a large intra-mural program which takes the general student body. But in most cases- in own here--it has been the football gate receipts which have paid for the large plant, land and equipment for all athletic Clarksburg, W. March 2. (AP) -A hearing on an allegation that a Negro fighter appeared here wrongfully under the name of Bud Creed of Milwaukee, was postponed today until March 14. Kenna Clark of Fairmont, member of the boxing commission, said the hearing had been changed from March 3 at Fairmont to March 14 at Clarksburg.

D. L. Freutel of Huntington, another commissioner, said recently fighter who appeared on a card here February 17 was not the Milwaukee Negro. A AMAZING DRAMA NEW AS TOMORROW! A man betrayed by love woman betrayed by hate strive to crush the longing that rages in their hearts! WARNER BAXTER and JUNE LANG White Hunter with GAIL PATRICK ALISON SKIPWORTH (NOW) COMING GEORGE. FRI.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.