PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (2024)

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more!

08 / 14 / 2023

Harvest Aspect

  • Anytime a playerreceives doubleLoot/Harvest items while wearingHarvest Aspect Armor, it will nowplay a visual and sound effectfor the player (unless they are Hidden)

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  • Waypost Controlfrom 0 to 100% should now take2 minutesto occur (previously was 3 minutes)

Omni Boss Lairs

  • Player Factions will now beignored within Omni Boss Lairsand players mayattack opposing Factionswhile inside


  • Fixed an issue whereMurderersin Factions who areattacked by members of their own faction(which can occur if they Criminal actions and become attackable) werenot able to defend themselvesagainst their attackers

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Wizard’s Grimoire

  • The Wizard’s GrimoireBlessupdate now has the following description:“Will also apply the Bless spell to up to (2, 4, 6) other friendly targets within 6 tiles of target (will prioritize player’s controlled creatures first)”

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  • Significantly increased therate of Skill Gainfor theMusicianshipskill


  • The drop rate forShip UpgradesandCrewmembershas beenmoderately reducedfromMessages in Bottles


Taming Overhaul
Nearly every Tamed Creature in Outlands has had its Stats and Skills updated in some fashion, with a variety of factors contributing to those changes (Taming Bestiary Changes, Underdog Bonus overhaul, Ability Updates, Creature Roles, and so on)

Below is a link to a spreadsheet showing the updated Stats and Skills for all Tamed Creatures on Outlands (we will work at getting these values updated in the Wiki as well)

Outlands Tameables

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Example of the Tameables spreadsheet

Tamed Stats and Skills

  • Tamed Creatures will nowautomaticallyreceive scalar bonuses toStats and Skills applied at each level
  • Players willno longer need to make any selectionsfor Stats / Skills (or Traits) for Tamed Creatures when reaching a new level, and they willautomatically continue earning experiencetowards the next level (up to the maximum of Level 10)

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At each new Level Tamed Creatures will now receive the following:

  • +10% Hit Points(up to max of +100%)
  • +2.5% Attack Speed(up to max of +25%)
  • +5.0% Damage(up to max of +50%)
  • +5.0% Wrestling Skill(up to max of +50%)
  • +2.5 Armor Rating(up to max of +25)
  • +5.0 Magic Resist(up to max of +50)
  • +2.5% Poisoning Skill(up to max of +25%)

Charged Spells

  • Removed theCharged Spellstat for Tamed and Summoned Followers
  • Tamed and Summoned Followers willno longerdoCharged Spells
  • The Summoner’s Tome“Unstable Sorcery”Upgrade now has the following description:“50% Chance to increase Spell Damage by 50%”

Melee and Spellcasting

  • Followers will nowexclusivelybe either aMeleecreature orSpellcastingcreature (no more hybrid types)
  • A follower’s“Damage”stat will now be labeled as either“Melee Damage”or“Spell Damage”in theirAnimal Lore pageto indictate their combat type
  • Hybrid-type creatures that previously could usebothMelee and Spells, such asEldritch Drake, Eldritch Dragon, Summoned Daemon, Summoned Vampire, Summoned Water Elemental, Summoned Rag Witch,are nowSpellcasting-onlycreatures

Traits and Trait Groups

  • Tamed Creatures willno longer receive Traitswhen leveling up and willno longer belong to Trait Groups(these are being replaced with Taming Bestiary Upgrades)

Tamed Abilities

  • The Animal Lore“Abilities”menu has been updated to now display theTypeof each ability listed (Passive, Cooldown, Innate)
  • Some creatures may now have“Innate”abilities which are always active for the creature
  • Some previousTraitshave been converted intoInnateabilities for creatures, such as the “Mule” ability which treats the creature as a pack animal
  • Some previousTraitshave beenmerged into existing Abilitiessuch as the “Clinch” Trait being merged into the “Crush” ability

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Tamed Classes
All Tameable creatures are now categorized into one of threeClasses: eitherAttack,Utility, orTank

A creature’sClasswill determine which bonuses in theTaming Bestiarywill apply to that creature

Attack Class
Creatures that focus primarily on dealingDamage

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Utility Class
Creatures that utilizePoison,Disease, or applyDebuffingeffects onto targets

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Tank Class
Creatures that focus onSurvivaland maintainingAggroto keep their Tamer and other Followers shielded from damage

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Animal Lore Details Page

  • Players can see whichClassa creature belongs to under theDetailspage of itsAnimal Lore Menu(previously known as the “Upgrades” page)

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  • The creature’sClassis listed in theupper leftcorner of the Details Page

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Taming Bestiary

  • The functionality of theTaming Bestiaryhas been overhauled and now functions in a similar manner to our existing Codexes
  • However, rather than a single collection of upgrades available, eachClass(Attack, Utility, Tank) will have their own set of upgrades that applyonlyto creatures under the tamer’s control of thatClass type

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Earning Experience

  • Players will earnExperiencetowards their Taming Bestiary bykilling creatures while using Tamed Creatures
  • Players can useany typeof Tamed Creature in order to earn Taming Bestiary experience
  • While Experience Gains are not tied to creature-based damage, they will bescaled based on how many slotsof Tamed Creatures the player is using (i.e. players should utilize all 5 of their Control Slots in order to maximize their Experience Gain)

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Upgrade Points

  • When players reach enough Experience earned, they will unlock an“Upgrade Point”they can use to spend in the Taming Bestiaryfor all Classes
  • Players can earnup to 20 Upgrade Pointsfor their Taming Bestiary
  • Each Upgrade Point earned raises the amount of Upgrade Points spendable for eachClass(Attack, Utility, Tank)
  • Each Class has theirown pool of pointsto spend that does not count against the other classes points spent

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A player unlocks an Upgrade Point for their Taming Bestiary, and each Class has their Maximum Points to Spend increased

Overview Page

  • The first page of the Taming Bestiary is theOverviewpage
  • On the Overview Page players can see their Progress towards unlocking Upgrade Points, and how much of their Upgrade Points they’ve spent within each Class
  • If the player currently has any Tamed Creatures under their control, theNamesandSlot Countsof each creature they control will be displayed under their respective Class ingreentext

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  • At the bottom of the Taming Bestiary arebuttonsto navigate to the individual pages for eachClasstype
  • Thenumberbelow each Class Icon listshow manycreatures the player is currently controlling thatbelongs to that Class

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A player is controlling 2 Fiery Leapers which belong to the Attack Class

Class Pages

  • Each Class has their ownindividual Pagein the Taming Bestiary and their owncollection of Upgrades
  • Players can click the correspondingbuttonat the bottom of the Taming Bestiary to navigate to that Class page

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  • Each Class has theirown setof Upgrades thatonlyapply to the player’s Tamed Creatures of thatClasstype (i.e. Attack Upgrades will not apply to Utility Class creatures)
  • Each Class also has theirown set of Upgrade Points to spendthat do not count against the points spent in other classes
  • There are3 Tier Levelspossible for each Upgrade
  • The Point Costs to increase Tier Levels of Upgrades are1 Point, 2 Points,and3 Pointsrespectively (i.e. Tier 3 costs 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 Points total spent)
  • Players canResetall their Points Spent for a class,once every 5 minutes, by clicking the“Reset Points”button (players can reset freely on theTEST SHARD)

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  • Players can click theInfobutton next to each upgrade to view a description of it, and see what bonuses it provides at(Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3)

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Class Upgrades Effects

  • The bonuses from Upgrades willonlyever apply inPvM(will never apply in PvP)
  • By default, the bonuses of Upgrades willonlyapply to creature’sbelonging to that Classtype (i.e Attack Class bonuses only apply to Attack Class creatures)
  • Note:The are a few exceptions where certain Upgrades willexplicitlymention that the bonus will apply to tamed creatures ofother class typesor even the potentiallyTamerplayer themself

When Patch Goes Live

  • When the Taming Overhaul patch goes live, players willautomaticallyreceive Taming Bestiary Upgrade Points and Experience scaled based on the old system (i.e. 10/20 points for 50% completion, 20/20 points for 100% completion, etc)

Attack Class Upgrades

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Damage Dealt increased by (10%, 20%, 30%) and Damage Resistance by (5% / 10% / 15%) for 10 seconds after exiting Stealth (including on Backstab)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature does not have Stealth

Damage Dealt increased by (10%, 20%, 30%) if follower has taken damage from another creature within the last 10 seconds
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if follower has not taken damage from another creature within the last 10 seconds

If creature has a Bleed effect on target, Melee Attacks have a(10% / 20% / 30%) chance to restore 10% of Max Health (up to once every 15 seconds)
Damage Dealt increased by (4%, 8%, 12%) if target cannot inflict Bleed effects

While Frenzied or Enraged, creature’s first non-backstab Melee Attack every 15 seconds has its Damage increased by (80% / 160% / 240%)
Damage Dealt increased by (4%, 8%, 12%) if creature does not have either of those abilities

Hunting Party
Damage Dealt increased by (10% / 20% / 30%) if creature and Tamer are both within 1 tile of target
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature or Tamer are more than 1 tile from target

Flamestrike and Spellburn abilities now have Damage increased by (50% / 100% / 150%)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature does not have either of those abilities

Melee Attacks and Spellcasts have a (10% / 20% / 30%) chance to inflict +100% Damage, otherwise will inflict(4% / 8% / 12%) additional Damage

Damage Dealt increased by ((2% / 4% / 6%) * Different Types of Followers Controlled By Player)
Healing Amounts increased by ((2% / 4% / 6%) *Different Types of Followers Controlled By Player)

Reduces cooldown length of Cooldown Abilities by (2 / 4 / 6) seconds
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature does not have a Cooldown Ability

Damage Dealt increased by (8% / 16% / 24%) if target is 4 tiles away or more
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if target is within 3 tiles

Chance to trigger Passive Abilities increased by(33% / 66% / 100%)of normal
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature does not have a Passive Ability

Damage Dealt increased by ((2% / 4% / 6%) * Total Followers Controlled By Player)
Healing Amounts increased by ((2% / 4% / 6%) *Total Followers Controlled By Player)

Utility Class Upgrades

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Beast Sting
If any of your creatures has Poison or Disease active on target,increases Damage of Melee Attacks by (10% / 20% / 30%) if creature can inflict Poison or Disease effects
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Poison or Disease effects

Melee Attacks and Spellcasts ignore (22% / 44% / 66%) of target’s Armor and Magic Resist

If creature has Disease active on target, Melee Attacks have a (10% / 20% / 30%) chance to restore 12.5% of Max Health (up to once every 15 seconds)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Disease effects

Increases the Damage of Disease effects by (33% / 66% / 100%)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Disease effects

If any of your creatures has Poison or Disease active on target, the target will receive a stackable (1% / 2% / 3%) Damage Penalty against the Tamer and their Followers for each Control Slot worth of Utility-class creatures that can inflict Poison or Disease effects
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Poison or Disease effects

Damage of Chill Abilities increased by (15% / 30% / 45%) and amount of Chill effect applied increased by (33% / 66% / 100%) of normal
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Chill effects

Successful Melee Attacks will restore (0.66% / 1.33% / 2.0%) of Max Health
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if already at Max Health

Melee and Spell Damage increased by (20%, 40%, 60%) if creature has applied an Entangle or Hinder effect to the target within last 10 seconds
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Entangle or Hinder effects

When creature’s Pierce or Hex effects expire on a target, will inflict (DamageMax * (0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5)) Damage onto them which ignores Armor
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Pierce or Hex effects

If creature has a Weaken or Cripple effect on target, their Tamer will receive a ((1.5% / 3% / 4.5%) * Control Slots) Damage Bonus (stackable) against the target
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict these effects

The next Melee Attack or Spellcast within 10 seconds after using a Cooldown Ability will have its Damage increased by (66% / 133% / 200%)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature does not have a Cooldown Ability

If any of your creatures has Poison or Disease active on target,their Tamer will receive a stackable (1% / 2% / 3%) Damage Bonus against the target for each Control Slot worth of Utility-class creatures that can inflict Poison or Disease effects
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if creature cannot inflict Poison or Disease effects

Tank Class Upgrades

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Creature has a (15% / 30% / 45%) chance on any Damage Taken that would kill it, to instead take 1 Damage and receive50% Damage Resistancefor the next5 seconds

Melee Damage increased by (5% / 10% / 15%) for each target within 2 tiles that is Aggroed against them (up to 3 targets)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) if no targets within 2 tiles are Aggroed against them

Melee and Spell Damage increased by (10% / 20% / 30%) and Damage Resistance by (2% / 4% / 6%) if creature takes 3 or more Control Slots
Damage Resistance increased by (1.33% / 2.66% / 4%) if creature takes 1 or 2 Control Slots

Critical Care
Veterinary Resurrection chances increased by (33% / 66% / 100%) of normal and creature will Resurrect with an additional (10% / 20% / 30%) of Max Health [will not work if PvP Flagged]

Grants Damage Resistance of ((1.5% / 3% / 4.5%) * Control Slots) to non-Tank Followers and ((0.75% / 1.5% / 2.25%) * Control Slots) to the Tamer if they are within 2 tiles

((3% / 6% / 9%) * Control Slots) of Damage Taken by non-Tank Class Followers and((1.5% / 3% / 4.5%) * Control Slots) of Damage Taken by Tamerwithin 2 tiles will be redirected amongst Tank Class followers (divided equally) as a direct health loss

Damage Dealt increased by (10% / 20% / 30%) when above 75% Health
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) when below 75% Health

Healing Amounts increased by (12% / 24% / 36%) and Curing chances by (20% / 40% / 60%)
Damage Dealt increased by (4% / 8% / 12%) when at Max Health and not Poisoned

Damage Resistance increased by (3% / 6% / 9%) and has a (25% / 50% / 75%) chance to ignore any non-movement Debuff effects (such as Cripple, Pierce, Hex, etc)

Damage Resistance increased by (4% / 8% / 12%)

Has a (11% / 22% / 33%) chance to ignore any Bleed, Disease, or Poison tick
Damage Resistance increased by (1.33% / 2.66% / 4.0%) while not under the effect of Bleed, Disease, or Poison

Melee Attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * (8% / 16% / 24%)) to 2 random targets within 1 tile

Ability Changes

Bad Luck

  • The Black Cat’sBad Luckability is now aPassiveability
  • Bad Luck now has the following description:“Has a 15% chance when taking damage to inflict that damage (ignoring armor) also onto the attacker, with damage amount capped at (DamageMax * 1.0).”

Barb Swarm

  • The Barbed Prowler’sBarb Swarmability now has the following description:“Fires projectiles at a location up to 12 tiles away hitting up to 4 targets within 2 tiles. Inflicts (DamageMax * 1.0) bleed damage over for 15 seconds, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.”

Beast Sting

  • TheBeast Stingability has been removed from all creatures
  • Players can now select the“Beast Sting”Taming BestiaryUtility Classupgrade instead


  • The Crush ability is now aPassiveAbility
  • The Crush ability now has the following description:“Has a 15% chance on melee attack apply a pierce effect of (10 * Control Slots) for 15 seconds. If successful, has a (10% * Control Slot) chance to Hinder creatures for 3 seconds or Hamstring players for 2 seconds.”

Drowned Barrage

  • The Drowned Dragon’sDrowned Barrageability now has the following description:“Fires projectiles in a 6 tile radius, hitting up to to 5 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a cripple effect of (Control Slots * 2%) and pierce effect of (Control Slots * 5) for 15 seconds.”

Epic Barrage

  • Dramatically reduced the animation delay of thePhoenix’s Epic Barrageability


  • The Cave Gorger’sGorgeability now has the following description:“Inflicts (DamageMax * 2.0) damage against an entangled, hindered, or hamstrung target up to 1 tile away and restores 5% of maximum hit points.”

Massive Dusk Breath

  • The Dusk Drake and Dusk Dragon ability“Massive Dusk Breath”now has the following description:“Fires projectiles in a cone, hitting up to 3 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.7) damage which ignores armor, with the first target hit taking +50% damage. Applies a weaken effect of (Control Slots * 3%) for 15 seconds.”

Mule Ability

  • Mule is now anInnate Abilityfor creatures that previously had access to the old “Trait” that allowed them to act as Pack Animals
  • Carrion Beetle, Fire Beetle,andDevourer Beetlenow also have theMule ability

Spell Surge

  • TheSpell Surgeability now has the following description:“Has a 15% chance on spellcast to increase Damage of the next spellcast within 10 seconds by 125%”
  • Phoenixnow also has theSpell Surgeability

Spine Barrage

  • The Otyugh’sSpine Barrageability now has the following description:“Fires projectiles in a 8 tile radius, hitting up to 6 targets. Inflicts (DamageMax * 0.75) damage, with the first target hit taking +50% damage.”


  • TheSwarmability has been removed from all creatures
  • Players can now select the“Swarm”Taming BestiaryAttack Classupgrade instead

Effect Changes

Chill Effect

  • Will no longer reduce a creature’sAttack Speed
  • Will no longer reduce a player’s passiveHealth/Stamina recoveryrate
  • Now applies aDamage bonusthat theCreature, Player, or other Followers of Player(but no others) will receive against the target for60 seconds, that isstackable
  • Multipleplayers/creatures can have Chill effects placed onto a target (they just cannot share the bonus with other players or other player’s followers)
  • Chill effects canstack up to 25%
  • Chill effects inPvPare capped at+12.5% Damage bonus

A Tamer has a White Wyrm and White Wyrmling that both use Massive Ice Breath and each apply a stackable Chill effect onto a creature

The White Wyrm applies a 6% Chill effect to the creature and the White Wyrmling applies a 4% Chill effect to the creature

The Tamer and all of their Followers will receive a (6% + 4%) = +10% bonus to all of their Damage against the creature while their Chill effects are in place

Note:Other players or followers belonging to other players willnotreceive this 10% Damage bonus; they can however place their own Chill effects on the target to receive bonuses from them

Player Command Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Special

  • TheCommand Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Special“Inspiration”now has the following description:“Heals your nearby followers for (15% + (3% * Tier Level)) of max health and grants them a +50% damage bonus that lasts until a ‘pool’ of (2000 + (200 * Tier Level)) bonus damage has been dealt, or 5 minutes has expired”
  • Inspirationno longerhas reduced effectiveness onNecromancycreatures
  • Mastery Chain Aspect Effect Modifier Links will increase theHealingamount as well as the total ‘pool’ of bonus damagethat can be dealt before the effect expires
  • If a player triggers any additional Command “Inspiration” effects while existing ones are in place, the Damage Bonus will not stack, but it will create additional ‘pools’ of bonus damage to draw from for the purpose of keeping the Damage Bonus active

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Player Water Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Special
TheWater Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Special“Ice Storm”now has the following description:

  • Inflicts (600 + (60 * Tier Level)) damage divided among creatures within a 6 tile radius and applies a chill effect of (4% + (0.4% * Tier Level)) for 60 seconds (stacks up to 25%)

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Player Discipline Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Special
TheDiscipline Aspect Weapon/Spellbook Special“Iron Will”now has the following description:

  • Inflicts (600 + (60 * Tier Level)) damage to target and increases your melee damage, spell damage, and damage resistance by (6.0% + (0.6% * Tier Level)) for 30 seconds (can stack up to two times)

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Underdog Bonus

  • TheUnderdog Bonusthat previously was a part of the old Taming Bestiary system is now a mechanic thatautomaticallyapplies to all Tamers
  • If a player uses Tamed Creatures where the player’sAnimal TamingandAnimal Loreskillsexceedthe“Min Taming Skill”needed for that creature, the Tamed Creature will receive a number of bonuses
  • The bonuses from the Underdog mechanic are designed to offset the player choosing using a “weaker than normal” creature

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  • Players can view the Underdog Bonuses provided to a creature on theDetailpage of theAnimal Lore menufor the creature
  • Creatures will receive aDamagebonus of(50% * (Player Taming Skill – Creature Min Taming) / 70)
  • Creatures will receive aDamage Resistancebonus of(10% * (Player Taming Skill – Creature Min Taming) / 70)
  • Creatures will receive aHealingbonus of(25% * (Player Taming Skill – Creature Min Taming) / 70)
  • Note:A player’s Animal Taming skill iscappedby theirAnimal Loreskill for the purposes of Underdog (i.e. players will need both skills)

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A Bullvore that has a Min Taming of 80 receives a number of bonuses due to being controlled by a player with 120 Animal Taming

  • Players canoptionally disablethe Underdog bonuses forallof their Tamed Followers byunchecking the “Enabled”button, as some players may wish to disable Underdog Bonuses for testing purposes

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Zoology Guild

  • TheZoology Guildis a network of Zoologist NPCs that work behind the scenes to collect data on the frequency at which differentTamed CreatureTypesare being used by players to tackle content across Outlands
  • Players willautomaticallyreceiveCombat Bonusesto their Tamed Creatures based on this data collected, withhigher bonusesgranted to Tamed Creature Types that arebeing utilized less frequentlyby players on the server
  • Players will also be rewarded withunlocking additional Stable Slotsfor their character by utilizing a varierty of Tamed Creatures (similar to the old Taming Bestiary handling)

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Accessing the Zoology Menu

  • Players can access theZoology Guild Menuby typing[Zoologyor[ZoologyGuild
  • Players can also access the Zoology Guild Menu by clicking theZoology buttonin the upper right corner of the“Details”page of theAnimal Lore Menufor a tamed creature
  • Players themselvesdo not need to “join”the Zoology Guild: all playersautomaticallygain access their bonuses

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Zoology Guild System Overview

  • The data for the Zoology System is based on a“Usage”model of how much gold is earned across theentire serverby players usingeach type of Tamable creaturewhile doing content
  • Only creatures that have aMin Taming of 50or above are tracked or are viable for Zoology
  • At thestart of each week, all Tamed Creature Types on Outlands arerankedbased on their total “Usage” over thelast 90 daysby all players combined
  • Based on these rankings, each Tamed Creature Typeautomaticallyreceives a bonus to theirDamage, Damage Resistance,andHealingamounts when used by players

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  • Players can Filter the creatures listed in Zoology Menu by the“Name”or“Min Taming Skill”of the desired Tamed Creature Types they wish to see

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  • Players can use the bottomLeft/Right arrowsto change viewing modes, and select“Show Only Controlled”to only display creatures they currently control in the list

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  • Players can use the bottomLeft/Right arrowsto only display creatures belonging to a specificClasssuch as“Show Only Attack Class”

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  • Players can use the bottomLeft/Right arrowsto only display creatures inAlphabeticalorder

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Zoology Stable Slots

  • Similar to the old Taming Bestiary system, players are able tounlock additional Stable Slotsfor their character by utilizingdifferent Typesof Tamable Creatures
  • When playersearn gold while using different Tamed Creature Types,it will track their “Progress” with that creature type in the Zoology Menu
  • When enough progress is reached, that creature will be marked as “Completed” for the player in the Zoology system
  • For each creature type completed, the player will have theirMaximum Stable Slotsfor their characterincreased by 1
  • When the system goeslive, players will automatically have theirold Taming Bestiary progress/completions convertedinto this system and receive credit for them

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  • Players can toggle the“Hide If Completed”button to filter out and hide any creature types that are already marked asCompletedfor the system

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  • Players can view the Zoology Guild bonuses that are being applied to each Tamed Creature in the“Details”page of the creature’sAnimal Lore Menu

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  • Players canoptionally disablethe Zoology bonuses forallof their Tamed Followers byunchecking the “Enabled”button, as some players may wish to disable Zoology Bonuses for testing purposes

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Stable Slots

  • The starting number ofStable Slotsfor a player is now10(previously was 8)

Veterinary Skill

  • Tamed and Summoned Followerswill now receive aDamage Bonusof(10% * (Effective Veterinary Skill / 100))
  • Players castingHealandGreater HealontoTamed and Summoned Followerswill now increase theamount of Healingreceived by(50% * (Effective Veterinary Skill / 100))
  • Veterinary Skillwill now increase a player’sStable Slotsby(Veterinary Skill / 5)
  • “Crossover Healing”effectiveness of a player using theVeterinary + Animal Lore skillsto healPlayers with Bandageshas beenincreased to 50%(previously was 33%)

Veterinary Supplies

  • TheHealing AmountsandCure/Resurrection Chancesfor using Veterinary Supplies are increased to75% of Bandage Effectivenessif only asingle creature targetis affected (Veterinary Supplies normally provides 50% of bandage effectiveness)
  • Using Veterinary Supplies will nowtarget the player as welland provideHealing AmountsandCure Chancesat25% Bandage Effectivenessto them
  • Veterinary Supplieswill now come in stacks of200
  • Existingstacks of Veterinary Supplies (including amounts in Storage Shelves) will bedoubled

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  • Players can now type[VetSuppliesor[VeterinarySuppliesto search for aVeterinary Suppliesitem in theirbackpackanduseit


  • “Crossover Healing”effectiveness of using theHealing + Anatomy skillsto healTamed/Summoned FollowerswithBandageshas beenincreased to 50%(previously was 33%)

Animal Lore Skill

  • Animal Lore Skillwill now increase a player’sStable Slotsby(Animal Lore Skill / 5)

Mastery Chains
Players can now utilize the following newMastery Chain Linktypes:

Follower Attack Speed

  • Bronze Link:+1.0%
  • Silver Link:+1.25%
  • Gold Link:+1.5%
  • Corrupted Link:+1.625%

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (41)

Upgrading Old Links

  • Players canoptionallychoose to upgrade most existing Follower-type Links (such as “Follower Damage Resistance” or “Follower Healing”) to the new Follower Attack Speed link bydouble-clickingthe old link and selecting the “Follower Attack Speed” option at the bottom

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (42)

A player upgrades a “Follower Damage Resistance” link into a “Follower Attack Speed” Link

Taming Skill Gain and Success Chances

  • The rate ofSkill Gainfor theAnimal Taming skillhas beengreatly increased
  • Players will now always have at least aminimum of 5% success chance to Tamea creature if they meet the minimum Taming Skill requirements for the creature


  • We haveswappedthe names of the existingBeastmasterandZoologistachievements and related titles to better represent their activity
  • Allexisting Achievement progressplayers have earned willremain intact(this is mostly a display change)

Beastmaster (Previously Zoologist)

  • TheBeastmasterAchievement and Titles will now be earned forsuccessful taming of different types of creatures

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (43)

Zoologist (Previously Taming Bestiary Beastmaster)

  • TheZoologistAchievement and Titles will now be earned forUnlocking Stable Slotsthrough theZoology Guild system

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (44)

Summoned Followers

Base Hit Points
The Base Hit Points (before factoring in Effective Spirit Speak Skill) of Summoned Followers arenowas follows:

  • Blade Spirits / Skeletal Husk:300 Hit Points
  • Energy Vortex / Jackal Spirit:600 Hit Points
  • Air Elemental / Skeletal Fiend:500 Hit Points
  • Daemon / Vampire Thrall:500 Hit Points
  • Earth Elemental / Ancient Mummy:600 Hit Points
  • Fire Elemental / Lich:400 Hit Points
  • Water Elemental / Rag Witch:600 Hit Points

Stats and Skills
TheStatsandSkillsofallSummoned Followers types are nowincreasedbased on theCaster’s Effective Spirit Speak Skillas follows:

  • Hit Points:+50% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100)
  • Attack Speed:+12.5% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100)
  • Damage:+25% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100)
  • Wrestling:+25% * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100)
  • Armor:+25 * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100)
  • Magic Resist:+50 * (Effective Spirit Speak Skill / 100)

Note:Previously, each specific Summon-type (such as Air Elemental or Fire Elemental) had their own unique scalars for how much Spirit Speak would increase each individual stat (i.e more Wrestling on Air Elementals than Fire Elementals), but as depicted above the bonus scalars are now standarized for all Summoned Follower types


  • Abilitiesfor Summoned Followers will now appear in the“Abilities”page of theirAnimal LoreMenu

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (45)

Summoner’s Tome (General Changes)

  • TheSpirit Pactupgrade available to all Summons now has the following description:“+2% Damage Resistance and reduces casting time to 2.5 seconds”
  • TheCorporeal Tetherupgrade available to all Summons now has the following description:“Healed by 0.10% for Each Mana Spent by Caster”

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (46)

Corporeal Tether

  • Any spell cast by the player that has itsMana Refunded(i.e. no mana cost) willnottrigger the Corporeal Tether healing effect

PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (47)

A player casts a spell, spending mana, and Corporeal Tether heals their summons

Summon Creature

Summoner’s Tome Upgrades

  • TheBinding Wardupgrade now has the following description:“+7.5% Damage Resistance”
  • TheVitalityupgrade now has the following description:“+15% Damage Resistance”

Air Elemental and Skeletal Fiend

  • No longerhave theUpdraftorWhirlwindAbilities
  • Now have the“Bleed” ability
  • Now have theCleaveability with the following description:“Successful melee attacks inflict an additional (DamageMax * 0.4) damage to a random target within 1 tile”

Summoner’s Tome Upgrades

  • TheGustupgrade now has the following description:“Increases Bleed ability chance by +50% of normal”
  • TheWindshearupgrade now has the following description:“Bleed ability Damage increased by 100%”
  • TheCycloneupgrade now has the following description:“Increases Cleave ability radius by 1 and will now hit an additional target”
  • TheWhirlwindupgrade now has the following description:“Cleave ability now inflicts (DamageMax * 0.8) damage”

Fire Elemental and Lich

Summoner’s Tome Upgrades

  • TheGlass Cannonupgrade now has the following description:“+25% Spell Damage but increases Damage Taken by 25%”

Daemon and Vampire Thrall

Summoner’s Tome Upgrades

  • TheGreater Daemonupgrade now has the following description:“+10% Damage Resistance”
  • The“Growing Fury”upgrade now has the following description:“Fury ability now increases Damage by 10% every 30 seconds to max of +50%”

Water Elemental and Rag Witch

  • Now have the“Elusive”ability (grants +25 Parry skill)

Energy Vortex and Jackal Spirit

  • TheDischargeability now has the following description:“Every 10th melee hit landed will cause creature to inflict (DamageMax * 5.0) damage on its current target (which ignores armor)”

Summoner’s Tome Upgrades

  • TheAbyssal Essenceupgrade now has the following description:“Melee attacks have a 25% chance to count as landing two melee attacks towards triggering the Discharge ability”
  • TheEnergy Surgeupgrade now has the following description:“Discharge ability will now inflict (DamageMax * 10) damage”
PATCH: August 14 – Taming Overhaul and more! (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.