Qualifying ends for 2024 Scottsboro Municipal election (2025)

Qualifying for Scottsboro’s 2024 Municipal election ended Tuesday, with several candidates throwing their hat in the ring.

Incumbent Jim McCamy qualified to run for re-election in the mayor’s race. McCamy has served in this position since 2020. McCamy said he is committed to continuing to press forward for the growth and betterment of the city.

“Even though we have experienced significant growth over the past three years, including 500 new retail jobs and an investment of $6.7 million in new and resurfaced roads, the work is not finished,” McCamy said.”

John Moses, Scottsboro City’s chief building inspector, qualified to for the mayor’s race as well. Moses said he wants to keep the city moving forward and help the city grow.

“I do have a few things on my mind that I would like to discuss with the city council and see if we could work towards those goals,” Moses said. “I would like to work with the council on a long range plan for our city.”

Incumbent Ralph Dawe, who previously served as Scottsboro City Police Chief, qualified for re-election to City Council Place 1. Dawe said he is committed to continue the progress of the previous four years.

“I will continue to help assure responsible tax dollars allocation for the betterment of our city, its citizens and visitors,” Dawe said.

Paul White also qualified for Place 1 on the council. White, who works with Gulley Construction and Septic Services and also owns a small business, said he is a hard working citizen who thinks not enough has been done for the city.

“I would like to see more housing, retail and service choices while preserving our city heritage,” White said. “I would like to clean up the city of dilapidated, distressed and run down properties.”

Terry Thomas is also vying for City Council Place 1. Thomas, who retired from the Alabama Bureau of Investigation as a Senior Special Agent, served on the city council from 2006-2010. Thomas said if he is elected he will make himself available to everyone and promises to be a good steward of citizen tax dollars.

“I will continue to work for the betterment of Scottsboro by working with the current council and mayor for the continued recruitment of much needed jobs, affordable housing, improvement of our city streets, and areas of this city that begs attention to make Scottsboro a greater place to live, work and play,” Thomas said.

Incumbent Nita Tolliver qualified and is unopposed for City Council Place 2.

“I am eager for the opportunity to continue serving and delivering wins for the City of Scottsboro the next 4 years,” Tolliver said. “I believe deeply in the people of our city. I am galvanized by the opportunity to continue serving Scottsboro residents by empowering and embracing people in our community.”

Incumbent Lee Benson is seeking re-election for his Place 1 seat on the Scottsboro City Board of Education.

Benson, who serves with the Scottsboro Police Department, said he wants to build on his previous term’s achievements and continue driving positive change in the district.

“I am dedicated to ensuring that every student in our district has access to high-quality education and the necessary resources to succeed,” Benson said. “My re-election campaign will focus on continued collaboration and open dialog with first responders regarding student safety, expanding STEM programs, collaboration with local businesses and colleges for CTE opportunities, increasing mental health resources, and enhancing teacher training.”

Patrick Dicus, a fire fighter with the Scottsboro Fire Department, also qualified for the school board position. Dicus said he is committed to ensuring that children receive the best education possible.

“As a parent of two, I am personally invested in the success of our school system,” Dicus said. “I understand the concerns of parents and will work tirelessly to represent the interests of our families. I am committed to transparency, accountability and fostering open communication between parents, teachers, administrators and the community.”

Kristie Pedigo Shankles is another candidate in the race for Place 1 on the Scottsboro Board of Education.

Shankles said she was fortunate to work the majority of her career in the Scottsboro City system and is excited to embark on a journey to be able to continue working with the families in Scottsboro.

“I firmly believe that all students deserve access to a high-quality education that meets their unique needs and prepares them for a successful future,” Shankles said. “Throughout my career, I have always answered the call when I see a need for our students and community such as the establishment of a Drama Club to support the arts and provide our students additional creative outlets.”

Lauren Parker also qualified for the position of Place 1 on the Scottsboro City Board of Education. Parker, who manages her household and cares for her seven children, said she has held a deep commitment to education throughout her life and she is eager to extend that passion to ensuring every child in Scottsboro receives the best education possible.

“ My admiration for teachers, and my care for children drive my campaign … If elected, I pledge to advocate tirelessly for policies that promote excellence in education, support our teachers and enhance the educational experience for all students,” Parker said. “Together, we can build a brighter future for Scottsboro’s next generation.”

Qualifying ends for 2024 Scottsboro Municipal election (2025)
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