The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2025)

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Scottsboro, Alabama

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OfilCf SENTINEL Portraib Charles rederick Volunteering or God And Man The Handicapped generously when volunteers make their rounds 574 3875 LOOK AT THIS PRICE BUY NOW AND SAVE 187 I GAL in VJ ELMORE INC SCOTTSBORO ILA 35108 They Go Together WORLD COKE NEA Im A the the served his last tour of in Huntsville at the Research Center and into the Tennessee THE REAL THING TIRES NEW USED MULERS DOYLE MAYNOR OWNER S'BORO PHONE ANAIR INTERIOR anil "Coke" are registered trade marks uliith identify the same product of The Coca Cola Company were spent Coast from Maine to lorida He was attached to four different Naval Air stations It was their responsibility to investigate foreign submarine activities in National waters rederick has depths interests and good deeds that space and time will not allow mentioning rederick just the courses in and in Tricia it's always hard to leave the nest PARTICU LARLY this nest!" the midst of sweeping change with day to day becoming more influenced by the large the scouting is that 1 feel every boy scout has a right to be a boy and have the advantages of learning to develop his best possible character and abilities in practicing daily his love of God Iris duty to Him family and country "There are so many good deeds done that go unpublished rederick said "And so many times it is the bad things that receive the headlines I can see the need for this In order that the Homogenized Interior Latex That Dries In 20 Minutes To A Beautiful lat Solf inish Odorless Cleans Up With Soap And Water Lead ree Baby Safe 6 Beautiful Colors And White given adult volunteer scout masters rederick is a member of the St Jude Catholic Church here a member of the Catholic Parrish chairman of the Parrish Liturgy Committee and a member of the Knights of Columbus He is also a member of the Scottsboro Lions Civic Club and a member of the Alabama Educational Society and the National Educational Society Mr rederick has worked with other executives and scout leaders for the past five years to make Camp Jackson outstanding Jackson has become a center of camping for boys through the winter as well as summer a full 12 month rederick explained "There have been about 900 boys and approximately 300 leaders in the activities The program for this summer will include a definite plan on ecology and there will be campers and counselors first in my hobbies is Indian lore I make it practical by reproducing Indian weapons such as arrows bows war bonnets quivers for the arrows tommy hawks spears and other things of this In answering what has meant the most to him in helping him to live his full and successful life he said faith in God which is necessary for living my wife family church and boy Scouts of America My interest and reason for He duty Naval went Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America "I retired in Huntsville and became an employed executive in the Tennessee Valley Council of Boy Scouts of America My first assignment was the Chicasaw District of Huntsville for one rederick said "Then I accepted the post of Executive of the Jackson County District and moved my family here approximately five years ago We have nine children Our oldest three sons served three years each in the Army Charles 111 is now in the University of North Carolina and Jimmy and Michael are in the Alabama University in Huntsville Marsha who is Mrs Charles Peet at lat Rock Jeanne David Steven Beth and Christopher are at He served as a Volunteer Scoutmaster at the Maryland Naval Air Base He was a cub scout master at Raleigh North Carolina In 1960 he received the St George Award at Washington DC which is the highest award QUALITY TEXACO OR A COMPLETE PRE SUMMER TUNE UP So when you shop for more Coke return the plastic carton along with the bottleThey do go together! And it's a great way to enjoy Coke By ELIZA HACKWORTH Charles rederick was bom in Cranston Rhode Island the son of Charles Joseph and Mrs Elizabeth Gilbert rederick After finishing elementary and high school Cranston Charles joined die United States Navy as a medical technician in 1942 while the Japanese were swarming on and around the Phillipine Islands He was in four or more major combat zones: Iwo Jima the Phillipines Okanawa Japan Africa in the Mediterranean theatres "Our ship was more of an assistance or follow up ship as we evacuated the wounded after the rederick said "But perhaps the most interesting thing of any war is its ending the right way And our ship was in the area of the Missiouri when the Armistice was signed We couldn't see it but we knew it was there However we saw the USS Pennsylvania torpedoed from the air three days after the armistice It was a or suicide type of attack The ship was not completely sunk but was beached was attached to the Naval air station at Norman Oklahoma when I met Martha Belk who was a WAVE at that time We married in 1943 It was just right no real problem things worked out fine a time after the war Mr ship traveled to ports of call including rance Greece Turkey Italy Crete Portugal Spain China The main idea in Port was to help reconstruction through help to the youth might also be called a public relations rederick said We had parties if you could call them that with games ice cream and cake which was the first time for In answer to the question of which game football or baseball was the most popular he said: think the ice cream and cake But we have any National or boy or girl favorites in our affections and in the help and training we could give them rederick completed the number of years required at the Armed orces Institute in the University of Maryland for his progress in his field of work was no diploma nor certificate nor degree recetvea explained personal and practical oenetits from the experiences understanding our obligations of others During this tinre I volunteered as an assistant advisor for the Boy Scouts of America at the Explorer Post in Charleston Carolina rederick retired with honors after 24 years of active duty and service to his country setting the living example of the Boy Scouts Creed of "Duty and Service to God and He spent one tour of four years duty in San Diego California Tire rest of the years in the United States after the war They do go together! Eight returnable bottles of Coke in a convenient plastic carton It 's a great way to enjoy delicious Coca Cola Because you pay only for the Coke not the bottle OR the carton By LOUIS CASSELS UPt Religion Writer The yearbook of American churches is the most reliable source of religious statistics available in this country which is not saying much There are no official government gathered figures in this field because the US Census Bureau is afraid someone may think his religious freedom is being infringed if a censustaker asks him where 7 anywhere he goes to church So the yearbook has to rely on reports submitted voluntarily by the 247 religious denominations Some of the reports are out of date and others are carelessly put together But enough denominations keep accurate statistics to make the overall figures a valid index to basic trends in US religious life The 1971 yearbook is out this week It confirms that 1969 the latest year for which complete statistics are available was a bad year for most US churches SIN IN DECLINE Six of the 10 largest religious bodies reported declines in membership They were the Roman Catholic Church the United Methodist Church the Episcopal Church the United Presbyterian Church the Lutheran Church in America and the American Lutheran Church The declines were not large generally amounting to less than one per cent But any decline at all is significant when an annual increase of at least one per cent is needed just to keep peace with population growth Total US Church membership as computed by the yearbook increased from 128469636 to 128505084 a gain of only 35348 far oelow the growth population tnat modest gam was made possible by conservative Protestant denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod They withstood the religious recession better than their more liberal counterparts and posted slight gains rather than losses in membership for 1969 CHARLES REDERICK on the Atlantic In living impersonal and the distant there is an imperative need for a revitalization of the traditional desire of the individual to be helpful to persons less fortunate and to contribute in some way to the betterment of society Today faced with growing numbers of children and adults who are crippled by accident andor disease annually the Easter Seal Society of Alabama depends upon public response to the Easter Seal Campaign to enable them to provide the expanded service needed We hope the people of Jackson County will give IPrniiclri Alabama Schools Education is the biggest business in Alabama and nation for that matter Over $500 million annually is dollar volume of the enterprise in Alabama with Alabama citizens being the prime stockholders and beneficiaries Education in Alabama is largely a state activity since $63 of every dollar spent for education comes from the state Alabama ranks 4th nationally in the percentage of state money provided for education 5th nationally in the percentage of federal money received by Alabama schools and 47th nationally in the percentage of local money provided for Alabama schools In 1969 the Alabama Legislature enacted Act 33 which made it mandatory that every county in the state supply a certain amount of local money for the school systems in that county or face a complete cut off of state funds The 1971 72 school year will find many counties in a lot of trouble because of the local effort law This will occur for several reasons irst of all the local effort requirement is calculated on a county wide basis which does not take into account that in a particular county there may be a city school system which develops more local effort than is required while the county wide average would fall below the required level thus penalizing every school system in the county In addition counties are not permitted to count as local effort those which come to tne school system because of a federal installation being located within the county In Dale County the ort Rucker reservation occupies a tremendous amount of land area land which otherwise would be taxable In lieu of taxes the federal government makes a per pupil allotment to the school system but this money can not be included when calculating the local effort for Dale County At the same time many cities provide buildings roads utilities and supplies for a school but because the money for these facilities services and supplies is not carried on the books of the Board of Education they can not be included in calculating the local effort for the county Because the required local effort is determined by an average of several factors there will always be half of the schools below the average and half above the average Let us consider the case of Autauga County or the 1971 72 school year Autauga County must raise $12173300 'in order to be eligible for any state funds Assuming that every county in the state meets its local effort requirement then in 1972 73 Autauga County would again be short this time by $3113600 In 1973 74 with all counties again meeting their required local effort Autauga County would be short $1948500 It is generally agreed that local schools should receive more support from within the geographic area they serve However under the present law the penality is too severe for the crime involved Under a strict application of the law a county could be short as little as ten cents ($10) and still be penalized the full amount of state funds normally allotted to that particular county One remedy here would be to penalize the county a corresponding amount of state money as the county failed to raise locally It would be helpful if the procedure for calculating the amount of required local effort could be tied to a fixed index figure for say a five year period and at the end of the five years the required local effort would be recalculated for all counties This would seem just and equitable provided the penalty for failing to meet the required amount of local effort" would be adjusted to that outlined in the preceeding paragraph Sentiment on Capital Hill is running high for amending the required local effort law to embrace some of the points which have been described here If some relief is to be obtained citizens must study the situation and express to their legislators their feelings on the subject of required local effort A better 'formed citizenry should help to create a climate in which our schools can thrive About Alacama Schools" is prepared and distributed by the Alabama Eduction Association Reader comments and suggestions are wtlnomed Address: Alabama Schools PO Box 4177 Montgomery 36104 Establisheil 1889 Scottsboro and Jackson Countys Own Daily Ncwsp'qrr Oeily Sentinel Successor To: The Progressive Age Jackson County Sentinel Sentinel Age James Harkness Editor and Publisher Ann Hamilton City Editor Jimmy Robertson Sports Editor Rodney Hurt Circulation Manager Chuck Nelson Jerry Hall Retail Advertising Published daily Tuusihy through riday afternoon and Sunday morning by Scottsboro Newspapers Inc 108 South Market Street Scottsboro Alabama 35768 James Harkness President Second class postage paid at Scotboro Alabama35768 Subscription rales: By carrier daily and Sunday 165 per month Mail subscription rates available on request All subscriptions arc payable in advance feJYU7 BARBS By PHIL PASTORET Guys who knock on wood are we bark bur shins regularly on metal desks An oddball is a fellow who has two cars but elects to WALK to the drugstore anyway An old timer recalls pa tronizing the store with the best merchandise rather than the one with the most trad ing stamps 4 Some men are driven to drink others manage to make it to the pub all the way from the bus stop After Enjoyed The Coke Return The Plastic Carton With The Bottles Bollled under the authority of I he oca Cola Gminanv bv: Scottsboro Coca Cola Bottling Company Scottsboro Ala Editorial Page THE DAILY SENTINEL SCOTTSBORO ALABAMA SUNOAY MARCH 14 1971 bad can be corrected However there is also value to be found in telling the good things which are being done Such as the good deeds being done by boy scouts in this country These deeds can serve as examples to both youth an adults are over four and one half million boys scouts in the United States What if these boys were gangsters and learning evil ways instead of the Creed of the Boy Scouts of Co op Businesses AUBU According to the US Department of 1968 69 statistical report there is a continuing upward trend in total business volume of Alabama marketing farm supply and related service cooperatives says Dr Ray Huddleston Extension economist However there is a slight decrease in the number of memberships and organizations The total gross business volume handled by Alabama cooperatives amounted to $1583 million adds Dr Huddleston This is a 135 per cent increase from the $1395 million reported in 1967 68 Dr Huddleston notes that cooperative membership in Alabama totaled 69 120 in 1968 69 a two per cent decrease from the 70540 reported in 1967 68 Tire drop continues the long term trend of declining cooperative membership due to the decreasing number of farmers in Alabama and the United states WORLD ALMANAC ACTS The term indi was popularized by Herbert Hoover during his presidential campaign of 1928 The World Almanac says Hoover used the term to emphasize his belief that government support of free enterprise and individual business initiative would benefit the entire nation TE CO JMBi a pvvvjf I At XA I i I a'? Wmffi 1 rv I A rfbrw TH gr ME I fl uv tJP fol RS? 7 0 I.

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The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2025)


Is Scottsboro, AL a good place to live? ›

It's a great place to raise a family and really good schools. It is a great retirement town as well. I have lived in Scottsboro my whole life and I absolutely love it! It may take a while to go to the mall or anything like that but i will definitely raise my family here.

What is Scottsboro? ›

Scottsboro is a city in and the county seat of Jackson County, Alabama, United States. The city was named for its founder Robert T. Scott. As of the 2020 census, the population of the city is 15,578.

What county is Scottsboro in? ›

Scottsboro | Jackson County, AL.

How did Scottsboro, Alabama get its name? ›

The act establishing Jackson County designated Sauta Cave as a temporary seat of justice. Bellefonte was the county seat from 1821 until 1859, at which time it was transferred to Scottsboro, which was named for Robert T. Scott, an early settler from North Carolina.

What is the safest county to live in in Alabama? ›

Limestone County is the safest county in Alabama, according to a recent ranking by Niche.

What is the most expensive neighborhood in Alabama? ›

Mountain Brook, AL

It's no surprise that the number one spot goes to Mountain Brook, a suburb of Birmingham. Historically one of the most expensive places to live in the state, the average value of a Mountain Brook home as of January 2023 is $816,214.

What is the crime rate in Scottsboro Alabama? ›

With a crime rate of 37 per one thousand residents, Scottsboro has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 27.

What was the Scottsboro crime? ›

On March 25, 1931, nine African American teenagers were accused of raping two white women aboard a Southern Railroad freight train in northern Alabama.

Why did the train stop in Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

The train is stopped by an angry posse in Paint Rock, Alabama, and nine black youths are arrested for assault. Rape charges are added, following accusations from two white women who have also come off the train, Victoria Price and Ruby Bates.

What is the elevation of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

Which city is close to Scottsboro Alabama? ›

Fort Payne, AL. Albertville, AL. Huntsville, AL.

How old is Scottsboro? ›

The town is named after its founder, Robert T. Scott, who migrated from North Carolina and in 1856 established a rail station on his land in Jackson County. Originally named Scottsville, the town's name was changed to Scott's Mill and then in 1858 to Scottsboro.

What is the race population in Scottsboro Alabama? ›

Scottsboro Demographics

White: 87.81% Black or African American: 4.83% Two or more races: 3.49%

What is Scottsboro famous for? ›

The community gained national attention in 1931 as the scene of the famous Scottsboro case, a trial at which nine African American youths were convicted of raping two white women on a train.

Who was the oldest Scottsboro Boys? ›

Charles Weems

Charles (Charlie) was the oldest of the Scottsboro boys.

Where is the best place to live in Al? ›

Best Places to Live in Alabama in 2024-2025
  • Huntsville, AL.
  • Montgomery, AL.
  • Mobile, AL.
  • Birmingham, AL.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.