The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

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The Daily Sentineli

Scottsboro, Alabama

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Page 4A The Daily Sentinel Wednesday January 24 1996 Opinion How do you really know true? You can always tell when an election is approaching because the letters and faxes start pouring in by the basket full with every available statistic and fact on what is the just like the TV commercials which try to convince jyou their product is the best and most economical and ten min ifies liter you listen to the same dribble from their competitorWho and what do you believe? know if you are like me but I listen for awhile to one wttcll of all their wonderful qualities and then they set in on tjje other party and how selling out the American people Then comes the barrage of the same from the other party Explaining why their plan is best and how we will be bankrupt if Ke listen and follow the other party Who can you believe? What Mould you believe? I What ever happened to the politician who ran on his self worth who had a plan and went to Washington with that plan hid stuck with it? I have tried really tried to sort out the right and wrong ofvhat is going on in Washington and all I can see is that we the people are being taken for a ride by both parties I find no out and out truth in either politics they are £11 so busy making the other guy look bad lost sight of what they really stand for you and me All I see is half truths and this makes it difficult to support or be against what they stand for And Joe Public just think about it this is only the beginning they got into high gear yet Alabama student honors saw 0RWTE Vr MCUSS A AL (SHAPE UP Ml 1 ENTIRELY jJ Jwi BK ofw WVI jM i PARENT lot rf jpu Carmen Wann Managing Editor Write Us Letters To The Editor may address any topic or area of interest as long as they are not libelous and are not specific complaints against a private person or business Please try to keep letters to a maximum 300 words in length To avoid mistakes it also helps if the letter is either written legibly or typed Letters must be signed and should include an address and daytime telephone number The address and tele phone number are for verification purposes Only the name and town of res idence will be published In the interest of fairness and open debate anonymous let ters will not be published We reserve the right to edit all letters submittwi for pub lication Letters of political endorsem*nts will not be printed Views expressed in letters may not necessarily be the opinions of this newspaper or its staff Please send yautconuncnis iqLettersTQJhe Editor The Daily Sentinel PO pox 220 Scottsboro 3568 Letters to the Editor a fcomments on local handicap Accessibility Editor Daily Sentinel: I read with interest the article in the paper still have limited access to public Jan 17) I have some questions and Has the Post Office considered putting a ramp at the back where they load and unload the mail or maybe if they removed some ofthat shrubbery The only ramp on the west side of the courthouse leads down into the basem*nt where the Red Cross office is located It is also where certain people meet to play check ers chew tobacco and spit The ramp Judge Campbell uses is on the south side of the court house The reason he has no prob lem getting up it is very simple he has a motorized wheelchair Not all of the disabled can afford those As the articleaid toliow die spirit of the law not just the letter KATHY OWENS Scottsboro Learning is a process that continues throughout life Whenever I speak at schools I encour age students to take advantage of all the opportunities offered through their school system There is so much out there yet to be discovered so many adventures wait ing to be undertaken In any classroom you might see a future governor senator or president The doctor who discovers the cure for cancer might now be in a biology or chemistry class in Alabama In the school lunchroom you might pass by a budding environmentalist who will some day help clean up local rivers and streams The locker at the end of the hall might belong to a future teacher who will guide the next generation Each and every stu dent is a bundle of potentiality that can be fine tuned through education In 1930 Alabama native Helen Keller wrote is not possible for civilization to flow backward while there is youth in the world" The students sitting in Alabama class rooms will plot the future course of our society This is indeed a staggering chal lenge but if our young people take the small steps necessary to face the future it will make a tremendous difference Education is the first step that will lead to an informed active adult population Howell Heflin United States Senator One program that fosters education and civic involvement is the United States Senate Youth Program founded in 1962 This program is funded entirely by private funds through the William Randolph Hearst oundation Its purpose is to bring high school students to Washington DC for a brief on site introduction to the func tions of the federal government and in particular the United States Senate Each year two high school students from each state spend an activity filled week in Washington Visits to the SenateHouse of Representatives the Supreme Court and the Pentagon are interspersed with hours at various Smithsonian muse ums These student delegates hear major policy addresses by senators cabinet mem bers officials of the Departments of State Defense and others The foundation cov ers all the expenses including transporta tion hotel and meals urthermore each delegate selected will receive a $2000 scholarship award subject to certain rules and requirements This encourages these bright young minds to continue their exploration of our gov ernment Any high school junior or senior stu dent is eligible to participate provided that they have not previously been a delegate to the program Potential delegates must also be currently serving in an elected capacity in a student government organi zation urther information on qualifying for the 1997 session can be obtained through the chief state school officer or a high school principal This year the US Senate Youth Program will be held from March 29 Alabama will be represented by Sue Lovoy of Vestavia Hills High School in Vestavia and Spencer Merriweather of Murphy High School in Mobile Chosen as alternates to the 1996 program were James Ozment of Huntsville a student atGrissom High School and Nathan' Ryan I of Tuscumbia a student at Muscle Shoals High School Each of these students has excellent records of service in their schools and communities There are numerous programs such as the US Senate Youth Program available to our young people These programs encourage students to become participants in government and society an important factor as we prepare to face the challenges of the 21st century automatic washing machine Berry's World ISH'T THIS I ft mmm Pt' I 1990 by NEA Inc I Back in the dim and distant past the first automatic washing machines had to be bolted to the floor at the time of instal lation This requirement certainly did nothing to encourage the average home owner who might wish to have one of these wonderful machines The old wringer style washer was still the infernal machine of choice for those souls who had long since foregone the pleasures of boil ing their wash in a big black wash pot in the backyard where gnats ants and other assorted small pesky creatures proliferat ed to make wash day something less than a community celebration To have an automatic clothes dryer was a luxury indeed equiponderant almost tohaving had the distinct pleasure of jour neying to both Pocket and the Walls of Jericho on the same weekend without having been shot at even once! Into this world of deprivation and hard ship there arrived the miraculous Bendix combination washerdryer freeing women all over for more relaxing tasks such as chopping cotton thinning com plowing new ground jerking stumps right into an age of unequaled quality time and leisure But this extraordinary inven Boyd Tuner Guest Editorial tion still had to be bolted to the floor Not to despair fair ladies Help was on the way! Within a few years some genius (must have been a women because men were certainly content with bolts and such) had the idea that the inner workings and hidden mechanisms of automatic washers could be mounted on springs allowing all that bulky machinery within to bounce around inside the cabinet while eliminating the need to have the cabinet itself bolted to the floor Praise and glory freed once more! When the first new Bendix model arrived at the Scottsboro Hardware Company we knew we had to sell it quickly so it could be the lure to draw more business With all the confidence of a uller Brush salesman with a lifetime pass on the Northeast Alabama Bus Line we extolled the virtues of this unsurpassed labor saving device which could now be installed in just about any spot where run ning water and electricity were available Eureka a customer hit like a bass after a mayfly! This family wished to have one of these phenomenons of the modem world installed on their back porch Working with us at the hardware peri odically was Mr Hugh Sanford not exactly an electrician or plumber but a good guy to help when needed Come to think of it there were no real electricians andor plumbers working at the store Hey how difficult could it be? Just uncrate the machine locate it near an electrical outlet and where water could be made available with a drain for the used water and in business Not wishing to risk the services of the more valued employees (Mr George Lee McCutcheon Mr Jim Johnson Mr rank Smart Mr Sam McCormack) my dad decided Hughie and I could handle this After all 1 could get all the way to school and back without getting lost most of the time and that had to be about a half mile walk (sorry grandkids no 10 miles through the blinding snow) And Hughie had helped Mr rank London install a few of the older machines in the past any way Stay tuned further adventures to fol low 701 Veterans Drive Scottsboro AL 35768 Alabama Press Association Phone (206)258 1020 or (800) 3MJALY JlP Sentinel 6 Associated Press established imt Award Winner Editor and Publisher Anita Bynum Managing Editor Carmen Wann (USPS 430 vS0) Buelneea Coordinator aye McBride Advertising Manager Michelle Whitehead Classified Manager Sharon Womack Circulation Prod Mgr Helen Chandler Publehod drfy TuieWy hough fhdty ad Suxtey morning by SooCaboro Nrapipm toe Hck Loring Preeidert The My Sentinel la auooaaaor to The ProgrteeM Age The Jackson County Senthei tnd toe SeCmAgt Second Cta Potoage paid a Scdtobon AL 35768 Subecripton ntoc 3 morthi $1725 6 morthi $34 JO 1 year SOOOQ Out of county ntoK 3 morthi $1 800 morthi $3ty 1 year $7200: POSTMASTERS: Send addraee rhangee to: The My Sentinel 701 Vetom Drive Scctaboro AL 35788 The Drfy Santel merwe 8m right of reproduction and pUfcation of al nm and advetMng contort of Na newspaper To reach CtaMon phone Al UgO 01630 Houm: Morttoyteu riday 8 am Io5pm CtafalionphoneeopeiuraSpjn Mon it and Stmday 8 am urtl 10 am.

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The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)


What county is Scottsboro in? ›

Scottsboro | Jackson County, AL.

Who founded Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

Scottsboro's founder, Robert Thomas Scott, served in the Alabama Legislature for almost 20 years and later ran a hotel in Bellefonte. Since he and his wife, Elizabeth, wanted a place to call their own and were not very fond of Bellefonte, they moved to Scottsboro around 1850–53.

What is the elevation of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

What is Scottsboro AL known for? ›

The Sauta Cave National Wildlife Refuge is a natural wonder where you can explore a unique habitat and encounter native wildlife in their home environment. Overall, Scottsboro is one of the most diverse experiences in the state of Alabama, offering everything from eateries to natural wonders and beyond.

Is Scottsboro, Alabama a dry county? ›

Jackson County is a prohibition or dry county, but three cities within the county (Bridgeport, Scottsboro, and Stevenson) are "wet", allowing alcohol sales.

Who is the mayor of Scottsboro, Alabama? ›

What is the ethnicity of Scottsboro Alabama? ›

Scottsboro Demographics

White: 87.81% Black or African American: 4.83% Two or more races: 3.49% Other race: 3.15%

Who was the oldest Scottsboro boy? ›

Charles Weems

Charles (Charlie) was the oldest of the Scottsboro boys. His mother died when he was four, and six of his seven siblings did not survive to adulthood.

Who were the Scottsboro Boys names? ›

Their names were Clarence Norris, Jr., Charlie Weems, Ozie Powell, Andrew Wright, Leroy Wright, Olen Montgomery, Willie Roberson, Haywood Patterson, and Eugene Williams.

Is Scottsboro, Alabama a good place to live? ›

Scottsboro is a small town in Northeast Alabama nestled between mountains and the Tennessee River. It's a great place to raise a family and really good schools. It is a great retirement town as well. I have lived in Scottsboro my whole life and I absolutely love it!

How many people go to Scottsboro High School? ›

What is the highest part of Alabama? ›

Cheaha Mountain, often called Mount Cheaha, is the highest natural point in Alabama at 2,407 feet above sea level. It is located in north-central Alabama in Cheaha State Park. Surrounded by the Talladega National Forest, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.

What crime was Scottsboro charged with? ›

On March 25, 1931, nine African American teenagers were accused of raping two white women aboard a Southern Railroad freight train in northern Alabama.

How old is Scottsboro Alabama? ›

Founded ca. 1850 and incorporated in 1870, Scottsboro is named for early settler, Robert Thomas Scott, who served in the Alabama Legislature. Before incorporation, the town was called Scott's Mill, Scottsville and Sage Town, according to

Is Scottsboro a small town? ›

Scottsboro is a small city in Northeastern Alabama. Right at the tail end of the Appalachian mountains and next to the Tennessee River and Lake Guntersville.

What county is Scottsboro AZ in? ›

What county is Orange city TX in? ›

Orange is a city in and the county seat of Orange County, Texas, United States. The population was 19,324 at the 2020 census.

What is Jackson County, Alabama known for? ›

One of the most popular attractions in the county is Russell Cave National Monument, just west of Bridgeport. Evidence of human habitation in the cave dates back more than 10,000 years, and is one of the most complete records of prehistoric culture in the southeastern United States.

What county is Jackson, AL in? ›

Jackson is a city in Clarke County, Alabama, United States. The population was 5,557 at the 2020 census.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.