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THE DAILY SENTINEL SCOTTSBORO ALABAMA TUESDAY JUNE 5 1979 PAGE 7 Big bountiful bargains abound in Classified! Classified Ads 25 1020 73 BOATS OR SALE 1 LEGAL NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Contracting Com If If 60 HOMES OR SALE lean Century 21 Bo Paradise Real Estate at 259 1035 Here is how to figure the cost of your ad 6SPECIAL NOTICES 63 LOTS OR SALE 320 Willis Porter 10 HELP WANTED 6BTRUCKS OR SALE 32WANTEDTORENT 69 AUTOS OR SALE 38 MOBILE HOMES COPY CARPET Name Address 70LOTS OR RENT State City Phone Number STEEL BUILDINGS ACTORY SALE URNITURE APPLIANCES The West The the The the the 29PETS AND SUPPLIES 41 HOUSES OR RENT Alabama period Burgreen pany Inc The the the the the the 64 ACREAGE OR SALE 21 ARTICLES OR SALE 45 OR RENT OR LEASE 39 ARM EQUIPMENT or sale by owner 1972 Bon neville Pontiac 4 door hard top power brakes and steering with air $995 Call 5743824 and his heirs or devisees If deceased CM McGEEHEE If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased 8 ord Tractor and equip ment Call 574 2345 House for rent 3 bedroom at 719 Market St $200 a month CallafterSpm 574 1417 Camper space for rent Call 574 6421 Combination Of 2 rom Above Char Example 13 Lines 4 Days 10 Lines 1400 plus 3 Lines 4 20 Total M820 or Sale: 1974 Mobile Home 12 40 2 bedroom all electric appliances furnished $300 and assume payments Call 574 1249 AUTO BODY SHOPS ACTION GUIDE home building prospects Contact Don Price JIM WALTER HOMES 13 SALES HELP WANTED 15 SITUATIONS WANTED 40 APARTMENTS OR RENT Reader Ads Display Classified OICE HOURS: 8AM to 5PM MON thru RI 8AM to 1PM SAT LEARN MACHINE SHOR THAND night classes by experienced court reporter East Ridge call (404) 861 3523 if living and devisees if 22 MOTORCYCLES OR SALE 30 PROESSIONAL SERVICES devisees if I Willis Porter will be responsible for no debts other than my own as of May 25 1979 ECONOMY CARPET WAREHOUSE Professional Touch At Budget Prices!" Highway 72 East 259 5574 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Notice is hereby given that one 1973 Pontiac GP Motor No K57T3A154421 seized In Jackson County under the authority of and in accordance with Code of Alabama 1975 Section 28 3 240 241 and 242 and Regulation No 28 will be sold at Public Auction at the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Warehouse 1050 Blackshear Drive Montgomery Al at 10:00 AM riday June 15 1979 Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board By: Joe Broadwater Administrator Publish May 2229 June 8 1979 Wanted to Rent Boat House or Slip Area County to City Park Phone 259 4443 An Equal opportunity employer LET US SELL YOUR HOME! We have qualifed buyers for homes from $25000 to $55000 cover your needs 40 44 $5550 40 66 $7550 40 75 12 Commercial 9945 other sizes 1500 sq ft LIMITED OER! ACTORY NATIONAL STEEL BLDGS Call Collect 404 952 5900 7 Day a Week CONTRACT RATE: 25' Per Line 4 Line Min Contracts are for 26 week 130 consecutive days CARD THANKS: 35' Per Line 350 Minimum Words Lines Days to Run Rate rom Above Enclosed You May Deduct or Payment in Adv sharing program stock pur chase investment program life and hospitalization in surance Must have honest character good personality be ready and willing to follow up leads and seek out and talk to TAIN LAND NOTICE TO: WLAXSON If living and his i heirs or devisees if deceased ISSAC AULDREG if living and his heirs or devisees if i deceased NANCY AULDREG if I living and her heirs or devisees if deceased ISSAC AULDR1DGE II living and his heirs or devisees 1 if deceased 'NANCY AULRIDGE if living and her heirs or devisees If deceased ISSAC AULRIDGE If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased NANCY AULRIDGE if living and her heirs or devisees If deceased MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH MAXWELL MOUNTAIN GW MAXWELL If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased WB SHORES if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased ELIX OSTER if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased DL WATTS if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased GEORGE REED if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased WATTS if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased SAMUEL PICKLER if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased JONES If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased MARY WALLER if living and her heirs or devisees if deceased LABRON SWAIM If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased JOHN CALLOWAY if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased PAN AMERICAN IN VESTMENT COMPANY INC WOODALL if living and his heirs or devisees If deceased LONNIE JONES If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased EMORY HILDRETH if living and her heirs or devisees if deceased MILTON BY RAM if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased TC ANNING if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased TERREL GIORD if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased CR CUNNINGHAM if living Burgreen Contracting Com pany Inc hereby gives notice of completion of contract with the State of Alabama tor construction of Protect No ACAPD 235(14) in Jackson County This notice will ap pear for four consecutive weeks beginning on June 5 1979 and ending on June 26 1979 All claims should be filed Box 320 Athens 35611 during this DEADLINES 4 pM Day Prior riday or Sunday 3 PM Prior riday or Sunday If is impossible Io screen each atl placed thornlore some misrepresentations can occur however wo assure you that to the best ol our knowledge all advertising wilhm our classified columns is reliable and honest The Sentinel accepts no responsibility lor the ads in these columns bui we reserve the right to reject edit or omit any ad lor any reason or to change the classification in order to conform to the policy ol the paper and insure reliability to our readers CLASSIIED DISPLAY RATES Single Insertion Open Rate 1 96 Per Inch Contract Rate Minimum 4 Lines daily 182 Per Inch Classified display contract advertisers nuJ tun a rate holder line ad of not less than 4 lines per day very issue for 26 weeks The rate holder insures the adverdsers ol the lower per column inch rate plus the normal monthly volume discount Daily Sentinel CLASSIIED ADVERTISING RATES Minimum Charge 3 Lines Approx 12 words $120 Horton Hall Enterprises Maye Lee Apts and Top Security Mini Storage HAVE CHANGED THEIR PHONE NUMBERS TO 259 6263 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: Notice Is hereby given that One 1965 Chevrolet Van Motor No 125 5104843 seized in Jackson County under the authority of and in accordance with Code of Alabama 1975 Section 28 4 285 and Regulation No 28 will be sold at the Alabama ABC Board Warehouse 1050 Blackshear Drive Montgomery Al at 10:00 AM riday June 15 1979 Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board By: Joe Broadwater Administrator Publish May 2229 and June 5 1979 WANT AD ORDER THIS HANDY ORDER ORM TO WANT aD OR I YOU PREER PHON ASK OR CLASSIIED A RIENDLV WILL mSSIST YOU WITH THE WORL'ING TERMS Notice of errors must be given before the second in section or claims for refunds or extensions will not be honored The Senfnet accepts responsibility lor the first day's insertion only MALTILDA BELLE McGEEHEE if living and her heirs or devisees if deceased CAROLINE TANKER SLEY if living and her heirs or devisees If deceased GREEN DAVIS if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased NANCY DAVIS if living and her heirs or devisees If deceased JERY STEWART if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased AJ PERRY if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased JOHN A CAGLE if living and his heirs or deceased PM HARNED his heirs or deceased PM ROBERTSON living and his heirs or devisees if deceased THOMAS SWORDS living and his heirs or devisees if deceased JESSIE ROBERTSON if living and her heirs or devisees if deceased LILLIS ROBERTSON if living and her heirs or devisees if deceased SCOT CAMP if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased ED KNOWLES if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased CECIL WORD EMMET HILDRETH JR if living and his heirs or devisees if deceased ALLISON HILDRETH If living and his heirs or devisees if deceased NOTICE is hereby given that Robert Slack and George Tzavaras on the 22nd day of November 1977 filed a com 1 plaint in the above styled court as amended by an amendment and filed on the 24th day of I May 1979 against the land I described above and aginst the defendants above named and their heirs or devisees If I deceased andagainstanyan all unknown persons or parties in I the world claiming any right I title or interest in or to or lien or encumbrance on or against I the above described lands I praying for an order or decree of this Court quieting the title to said lands in Jackson County Alabama and decreeing that Robert Slack and George Tzavaras are the owners ofv TRACT NUMBER 1 The South half of the Northwest quarter the Northeast quarter of lhe Northwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 3 Township 1 South Range 3 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 160 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 2 The South half of the Northeast quarter the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 26 Township 1 South Range 3 East in Jackson County 160 STATE ALABAMA JACKSON COUNTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OR JACKSON COUNTY ALABAMA CIVIL ACTION NO CV 77 419 ROBERT SLACK and TEODORO TZAVARAS PLAINTIS VERSUS A TRACT LAND ET AL DEENDANTS NOTICE TO THE PEN DENCY A COMPLAINT TO QUIET TITLE TO CER quarter of Section 1 Township 3 South Range 3 East more particularly described as follows to wit: Beginning at a black oak tree at the center of the Southwest quarter of Section 1 Township 3 South Range 3 East thence South 1 degree West 816 chains along a marked line to a stake thence South 27 and three fourth degrees East 146 chains to the center of Dry Creek thence as said creek meanders as follows: North 60 degrees East 125 chains South 51 three fourth degrees East 139 chains South 28 three fourth degrees East 355 chains to the southwest corner of the tract herein described thence North 63 degrees 35' East 2368 chains along a fence which is the line between Ollie Robertson and Evie Davis to cinrt the service ofithe west side of Dry Creek 1 in thici Public Road thence North 61 product you need in this degrees50 East ib49 chains to directory of business a corner stone marked and service published thence North 1 12 degrees path Sunday and East 1214 chains to a stake 6 a thence approximately North 84 tuesday 12 degrees West 2042 chains to a corner stone with pointerson an elm tree and a thorn locust tree thence South 52 dearees 30' West 379 chains to CARL COOK BODY a point at the center of Dry SHOP Creek public road thence a uto South 57 12 degrees West 448 Body Repairing Au aiong a fence t0 a ben(1 more or less TRACT NUMBER 6 1 ne East half of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 26 Township 1 South Range 4 East containing 120 acres more or less in Jackson County Alabama TRACT NUMBER 7 Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter and Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section 31 Township 1 South Range 4 of the bluff and containing in the exception 15 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 8 The West half of the Southwest quarter and the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 5 Township 1 South Range 5 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 120 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 9 The Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 6 Township 1 South Range 5 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 40 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 10 Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter and West half of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 1 Township 2 South Range 3 East con i taining 60 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 11 The Southeast quarter and the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section 8 Township 2 South Range 3 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 240 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 12 The Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 9 Township 2 South Range 3 East containing 40 acres more or less and lying and being in Jackson County Alabama TRACT NUMBER 13 The Northeast quarter of the Southeast Quarter the West half of the Southeast quarter and the Southwest quarter of lhe Northeast quarter of Section 36 Township 2 South Range 3 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 200 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 14 The North half of the Northeast quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Section 6 Township 2 South Range 4 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 160 acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 15 The Northwest quarter of the 1 Northwest quarter and the South half of the South half of 1 the Northeast quarter of te Northwest quarter of Section 8 1 Township 2 South Range 4 1 East in Jackson County 1 Alabama containing 50 acres more or less 1 TRACT NUMBER 16 The West half of the Northeast 1 quarter of Section 1 Township 3 South Range 3 East in Jackson County Alabama containing 80 acres more or less LESS AND EXCEPT I therefrom the following described property In Jackson County Alabama: All that part of the East One Half of the Southwest quarter and the i West One Half of the Southeast By Owner 3 bedroom 2 bath Less than 1 year old In Grant near DAR $6000 and assume 9 34 percent loan Call 728 4490 INVEST YOUR INCOME TAX MON xceptlona I 3 bedroom 1 bath home close to town 506 South Street $30500 HEARTH AND HOME REALTY INC 259 4568 ANN GREGORY 259 5272 1977 TT SOO Yamaha Bought new In 1979 $700 Call 228 9921 leave name and number or call 638 3803 after 7 pm 1977 Suzuki TS 125 3400 miles Like new 2 helmets $550 Call 259 5284 Alabama containing acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 3 Southwest quarter the half of the Northeast quarter and the South half of the Northest quarter of Section 36 Township 1 South Range 3 East in Jackson County Alabama containing acres more or less TRACT NUMBER 4 Southwest quarter of Southwest quarter of Section13 Township 1 South Range 4 East containing 40 acres more or less situated in Jackson 'vma TRACT NUMBER 5 The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 20 Township 1 South Range 4 East In Jackson County Alabama containing 40 acres 1978 Grand Prix 18000 miles Power windows brakes and steering $4850 Call 259 5219 1977 Dodge Maxi Van Carpet power and air Cruise control Like new 20000 miles Call 259 1957 1974 Honda Civic Hatchback automobile 33 MPG regular gas $1700 call 259 0571 I WANT ADS or rent: Lots Mobile Homes Applegreen Mobile Home Park Phone 574 6221 Office or store space South Broad St 1000 sq ft new building Contact Bobby Hastings 259 1303 days 259 5326 nights 2 acres on Sand Mountain all wooded and level $250 down $7866 per month Call owner 1 437 8444 1 acre water front level $8000 financing available 1 437 8444 One part time outreach worker Must be over 55 limited income and have own transportation Call 574 6733 One part time nutrition site manager at Section or more information call 574 6733 Need babysitter for 18 month old baby in my home im mediately Call 574 2561 2 lots: one on Bob Jones Avenue other about 1 block from Bob Jones Avenue Call $74 5267 Lake lots acre size in town Priced in twenties Call 574 2567 Would you like an exciting and rewarding career In real estate0 Call Bo Paradise with Century 21 Bo Paradise at 259 1035 to see if you qualify Experienced Mobile home set up man needed Call Doyle's Mobile Home Service 587 6075 HOME OR SALE BY OWNER This beautiful brick and cedar 3 bedroom home isust waiting for you Located In Grant Ata on 12 acre lot Cali 726 4865 We have buyers for 3 bedroom 2 bath homes In Scottsboro and surrounding areas Call HEARTH AND HOME REALTY INC 259 4568 3 bedroom 1 bath fenced yard Hollywood $26500 Call 259 4604 Brick and cedar 3 bedroom 2 full baths 26 30 great room central air fireplace 164 acre lot River Bluff Acres Sub division $55500 Call 228 3616 House for Sale on 2 and one half acres on Aspel Rd Call 259 4289 Wolverine Boot Sale 20 per cent off all discontinued styles Jackson armers Co op Larkinsville Rd or AMWAY Products call 259 5794 Quick cash for good used furniture and appliances Highway 35 This 'N That Store Call 228 3093 or 228 3577 GOOSEPOND VILLIAGE APARTMENTS SCOTTSBORO'S NEWEST urnished or unfurnished Enjoy country living near the water Adiacent to 18 hole golf course School buses by your door Call 574 1544 or come by We are located just off Highway 79 at the Goosepond Colony Complex ollow the signs One bedroom furnished to sublet Riverview Lodge Phone 259 0266 1973 Mazada Pick up 4 cylinder NOT ROTARY 30 MPG mechanically sound Phone 574 1298 1978 Chevrolet 4 wheel drive Loaded $5900 call 574 2035 22 ft all fiberglass cruiser 16 ft Sidewinder let boat Mornings call 6238368 Evenings call 623 2051 1977 24 ft Pontoon boat with trailer and deck furniture 80 HP Mercury Equity and take over payments Bal $2800 Call 574 2055 after 4 1978 18 ft Cobra bass boat 150 Johnson motor Call 574 3994 Any type carpenter work ree estimates Call 259 4893 or 638 6194 North Ala Plumbing and Electric Commerical and residential ree estimates Call 574 1674 Roofing shingles and build up 13 years experience ree estimates call 587 6107 Queen size bedroom suit Solid Oak Call 574 6227 50 cal black powder Hawken and accessories $150 8 mm German Mauser rifle $75 12 gauge Winchester automatic shotgun $200 Antique 10' Oak Church Bench $250 Call 259 0571 2 new 60 14 Tires mounted on jWhlte spoke wheels They will fit most foreign made pick ups $110 for the pair Call 259 4586 580 chains along a fence to the 1 place of beginning and con 4 taining in the aggregate 8282 acres more or less and being 1 the very same property as described in that certain deed from PM Robertson and wife Maymle Robertson to Oliver Robertson dated November 7th 1931 and recorded in Deed Book 89 at page 529 in the office of the Judge of Probate for Jackson County Scottsboro Alabama and by that certain deed from PM Robertson and wife Maymie Robertson and llva Brooks and husband Roy Brooks to Robertson and PM Robertson dated October 22 1935 and recorded In Deed Book 89 at page 500 In the office of the Judge of Probate of Jackson County Alabama TRACT NUMBER 17 The South half of the Southwest quarter the West half of the Southeast quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 5 Town? nip 2 South Range 3 East In Jackson County Alabama containing 200 acres more or less LESS AND EXCEPT one half of all of the oil gas mineral and coal on the above described land which was owned by Helen Hildreth and husband Allison Hildreth Emmett Hildreth Jr and wife Linda Hildreth and Emory Hildreth as of the 30th day of April 1974 and which reserved unto the aforesaid persons In a deed of conveyance recorded in Deed Book 247 at page 788 in the office of the Jackson 1 County Probate Judge Scottsboro Alabama whereby the aforesaid persons reserved unto themselves their heirs administrators and assigns one half of all the oil gas minerals and coal presently owned by them in on or under lhe properly hereinabove descr ibea In fee simple absolutely and that no other person in the world owns any right title or interest in or to or lien or encumbrance on or against said property or any part thereof including the defen dants both known and unknown names and un named This is to notify each person named referred to or described above and In the complain to appear plead or answer to said complaint on or before the 19th day of July 1979 by filing such answerappearance or pleading in the office of the Circuit Clerk for Jackson County Alabama and by mailing or delivering a copy thereof to MORGAN WEEKS ATTORNEY OR THE PLAINTIS at his Post Office address PO Box 338 Scottsboro Alabama 35768 or at his office 100 Peachtree Street Scottsboro Alabama or suffer judgement by default to be rendered against you Said complaint is filed not only against the persons named described and referred to herein and therein but also against the above lands to which the plaintiffs claims title 1 under and by virtue of those I certain deeds as follows: Pan American Investment Company Inc conveyed to A Ronald Slack and Teodoro Tzavaras by deed recorded in Deed Book 255 at page 515 in the Jackson County Probate Office at Scottsboro Alabama A Ronald Slack and Teodoro Tzavaras conveyed to Robert Slack and Teodoro Tzaavaras by deed recored in Deed Book 257 at page 239 in the Jackson County Probate Office at Scottsboro Alabama A Ronald Slack and Teodoro Tzavaras conveyed to Robert Slack and George Tzavaras by deed recorded in Deed Book 257 at page 439 in the Jackson County Probate Office Scottsboro Alabama Robert Slack and George Tzavaras conveyed to Robert Slack and George Tzavaras by deed recorded in Deed Book 269 at page 360 in the Jackson County Probate Office at Scottsboro Alabama That said complaint 'that the fee simple title (u 35 a lesser title is noted here a tu said lands stands on the records in the Probate Office of Jackson County Alabama in lhe names of Robert Slack and George Tzavaras and that they are in the actual peaceable possession of said land and that they and those through whom they take title have been in the actual peaceable adverse con tinuous nororious hostile undisturbed possession for a period of more than 20 years next preceding the filing of the complaint that no other person or party is in the actual possession of any portion of said land that no person or party other than the plaintiffs are known to have had possession of any part of said lands with 20 years next preceding the filing of the complaint except the plaintiffs and those through whom they take title no other persons have paid taxes on said property during said period that In the event the plaintiffs 5 Beagle puppies for sale $25 each Call 574 5307 Brittany Spaniels 7 weeks old AKC registered $50 call 451 3951 Keeshond pups for sale AKC $125 call 228 3616 1971 Plymouth Duster 2 door auto transmission power steering power brakes air conditioned See at 206 Charlotte Avenue or call 574 37645750 1967 iat 124 sedan $500 Call 259 1338 1977 Trans Am low mileage Call 259 0770 1971 Jeepster 4 wheel drive 6 automatic $2000 Call 587 603L Sand Estates Subdivision at Section Al 1 12 bath 3 Will do babysitting in your bedroom central heat and air home Call 259 0391 or 574 5420 1 nrd tractor with frontend loader loader almost new See Dorthy Gamble on Tupelo Pike above Artie's Trailer Court Come after 5 pm Pop up camper sleeps eight Call 259 4836 large lot VA and HA financing available Day phone 451 3283 House for sale Call 574 2020 TEXAS OIL COMPANY urgently needs person male female over 40 for protected Industrial sales territory relocation AAA 1 firm established since 1933 Liberal commissions Opportunity for advancement or personal interview write KA Bell Southwestern Petroleum Box 789 Worth Tx 76101 EOE WANTED REPRESEN TATIVE Sales person needed by Jim Walter Homes for this area This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a large national home building organization Straight com mission or salary plus com mission position available Million dollar ad campaign now Excellent advancement opportunities for those wishing to move into management ringe benefits for salaried urnished mobile home for rent Adults only no pots 574 6421 Mobile home for sale Small down payment Owner will finance Call 574 6421 or Sale By Owner: 1978 Buccaneer 12' 56' mobile home with 2 34 acres of land $3000 equity and assume payment of $252 per mo Call 534 8196 776 2398 or 536 8171 Mobile home for sale 12 65 total electric central air and heat Call 259 0973 after 5 Mobile home for salt 10 50 1968 Commodore furnished $2200 Call 437 9480 or Rent mobile home Cail 574 4277 Mobile home for rent at Pisgah furnished and air conditioned Call after alx 451 3649 1 OUR '0 ND 31 WANTED TO BUY WANTED: I wilt pay cash for your home or your land if it's suitable Call Bo Paradise at CENTURY 21 Bo Paradise Real Estate at 259 1035 Will pay cash for good used furniture and appliances Derrick's Rough and Tumble urniture Co Downtown Scottsboro Call 259 1335 I Painting We welcome in fence thence South 19 insurance work 104degrees West 453 chains Cedar Hill Dr Scott thence South 66 l2degrees sboro Phone 259 01 1 1 West 238 chains alonfl he A north bank of a ditch and with Day 259 5814 Nignt $aj( jence f0 a bend in said fence thence with said fence South 037 chains to the south bank of said ditch thence BROWN BERGMAN alon he ou'h 1 1 I 1 1 CO 1 12 Wesl chain5 URNITURECO Itft oake at an elm tree: I Everything in fur thence South 1 degree West niture Maytag rigidaire and RCA TV and Appliances 112 Broad Scottsboro 574 I 1495 are mistaken as to the nature of their possession that the plaintiffs nor any other person is In the actual possession of said land that the plaintiffs and those whom they claim title have held color or title and have assessed and paid taxes for a period of ten or more consecutive years next preceding the filing of said complaint and that the plaintiffs and those though whom they claim title have assessed and paid taxes for a period of more than ten years next preceding the filing of this complaint and that no other person has paid taxes thereon during any part of said period that no persons or parties are known to the plaintiffs to claim said land or any part thereof or any interest therein unless it be some one or more of the defendants named or referred to herein and therein In said complaint the plaintiffs call upon the defendants named therein including the heirs and employees include profit devisees of them if deceased i and all unknown persons in the world claiming any right title or interest In or to or lien or encumbrance on or against 3 said land to come in and make 4 claim or establish their claim right title interest lien or encumbrance thereon 1 This the 24 day of May 1979 Charles Wann CLERK STATE ALABAMA JACKSON COUNTY ORDER PUBLICATION Pursuant to an order of the Jackson County Court it is hereby ordered by the un dersigned Clerk of this Court that publication of the above and foregoing notice be made in the Daily Sentinel a newspaper published and having a general circulation in Jackson County Alabama once a week for four con secutive weeks and any and all persons claiming title to interest in hen or en cumbrance on or upon the real estate described herein or any part thereof or any interest therein be and they are hereby required to plead or answer the complaint in this cause within the time required by law and the rules of this court It is further order that a copy of this notice certified by the undersigned Clerk as being correct shall also be recorded in the Lis Pendens records in the office of the Judge of Probate of Jackson County Alabama DONE THIS the 24 day of May 1979 Charles Wann CLERK STATE ALABAMA JACKSON COUNTY I the undersigned Charles Wann Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jackson County Alabama do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the notice and order of publication in the above and foregoing cause Witness my hand and seal of office this the 24 day of May 1979 Charles Wann CLERK Publish May 29 June 51219 1979 0 11 1 I 1 a I si I Kb iI" i I I I Mi i i iff 11 I MB 4 Utf iJ Mil Bi ft IT lM I WORDS No Of Consecutive Days 4 per line 1 2 3 4 5 Rate Per Line 40 40 35 35 30 UP to 12 3 120 240 3 15 4 20 450 1 3 to 16 4 160 320 4 20 560 600 "17 5 2 00 400 5 25 700 7 50 2 40 480 630 840 900 sto? 7 280 5 60 735 980 1050 29 to 2 8 320 540 840 1120 1200 33 to 36 9 360 720 945 1260 1350 37 to 40 10 400 800 1050 1400 115 00 or More Than 10 Lines or 40 Words Use The Right quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quarter of the Southeast I.
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